Thomas Coster Newnham

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Thomas Coster Newnham

Birthplace: Kaiapoi, Waimakariri District, Canterbury, New Zealand
Death: March 27, 1918 (21)
The somme, Northern France (killed in action)
Place of Burial: France
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Ollivant Newnham and Margaret Ann Newnham
Brother of Private; Private; Private; Private; Private and 2 others
Half brother of Private; Private; Private; Private and Private

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Thomas Coster Newnham

Private in CIR, file number 52099. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newnham, of 70, Allen St., Upper Riccarton. Christchurch


  1. New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honour: / Ref 13.4.2021
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Thomas Coster Newnham's Timeline

August 20, 1896
Kaiapoi, Waimakariri District, Canterbury, New Zealand
March 27, 1918
Age 21
The somme, Northern France
Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial, France