Translated from Old Norse by Olav Aasmundstad, Christiania, 1896
There was a man named Murder, who had the nickname Gigja. He was his son Sighvat the Red and bid on Voll on Rangaavollom. He was a mighty chief and a great follower of the law, and so knowledgeable in the law that no judgment was most likely to be lawfully condemned when he had not been present. He had a daughter named Unn. She was a friendly woman, well-mannered and fine in all her team; she was held to be the best married at Rangaavollom.
No vik soga aat Breifjordsdalarne. One man is named Hoskuld; he was the son of his Dala-Koll. His mother's name was Torgjerd; she was the daughter of Torstein the Red, who was the son of Olav the White and the grandson of Ingjald Helgeson. His mother Ingjald was Tora, his daughter Sigurd orm i auga, son of Ragnar Lodbrok. His mother Torstein the Red was Unn the Basic; she was the daughter of Kjetil Flatnev, his son Bjørn Buna, his son Grim Herse from Sogn. Hoskuld bid on Hoskuldstad in Laksaadalen. His brother's name was Ruth. He bid on Rutstad. He was co-mother with Hoskuld, but his father was Herjolv. Ruth was a friend of a man, large and strong, bold of arms, but good-natured, and witty and wise as a few, hagraadug by his friends and good-natured and well-mannered in great matters.
It was once that Hoskuld made teams for his friends. Ruth, his brother, was there, and he sat next to him. Hoskuld had a daughter named Hallgjerd. She played on the floor with some other little girls. She was a friend of sight and great at growing up. The hair was colored like silk and reached for belts. Hoskuld said to her, "Come here to me," he said. She went to eat him immediately. He took her under the hook and kissed her. So she went that. Then Hoskuld said to Ruth, "What do you think of this girl? She is not beautiful, do you think?" Ruth took. Hoskuld took it up that once more. Ruth then answered: "She is a certain friend enough, and many will come before you. But I do not know where thief-augo have come from into our family? Then Hoskuld was angry, and there was weeping between the brothers. Her brothers Hallgjerd were Torleik, father of Bolle, and Olav, father of Kjartan and Baard.
Eyrbyggja saga says:
Ketill flatnefur gifti Auði dóttur sína Ólafi hvíta er þá var mestur herkonungur fyrir vestan haf. Hann var sonur Ingjalds Helgasonar en móðir Ingjalds var Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar.
In English:
Ketil Flatneb gave his daughter Auth to Olaf the White, who at that time was the greatest war-king West-over-the-sea; he was the son of Ingiald, the son of Helgi; but the mother of Ingiald was Thora, the daughter of Sigurd Worm-in-eye, the son of Ragnar Hairy-breeks.
There is a common speculation that there existed a Thora Sigurdsdotter who was married to Ragnvald "Heidumhære" Olavsson. Some speculations even have them being one and the same. However, no evidence for such an idea has been presented.
Some trees call this person "Ålof". It's unclear if this has any basis in the sagas.
Thora SIGURDSDATTER (b. Abt. 806, d. date unknown) Thora SIGURDSDATTER (daughter of Sigurd "Snake-Eye" RAGNARSSON and Heluna "Bleja" Princess of ENGLAND)10901, 10902 was born Abt. 806 in , , Jutland, Denmark10903, 10904, and died date unknown. She married Helgi OLAFSSON, son of Olaf Gudrodsson.
Children of Thora SIGURDSDATTER and Helgi OLAFSSON are: +Ingjald "The White" Helgasson King of IRELAND, b. Abt. 820, , Dublin, Dublin, Ire10905, 10906, d. date unknown.
790 |
Jylland, Denmark
820 |
Dublin, Ireland
842 |
Age 52
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway