Immediate Family
About Umme Kulthoom
Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم) (c.603-630), died childless.
There is a dispute about her father. Sunni Muslims believe she was Muhammad's biological daughter. Shi'a Muslims believe she was Muhammad's stepdaughter, daughter of Khadijah by her second marriage.
"Who were Khadijah's children by her second husband? This is another controversy that revolves round the other daughters or step-daughters of the Prophet (ص) besides Fatima (ع). These daughters, chronologically arranged, are: Zainab, Ruqayya, and Ummu Kulthoom. Some historians say that these were Khadijah's daughters by her second husband, whereas others insist they were her daughters by Muhammad (ص). The first view is held by Sayyid Safdar Husayn in his book The Early History of Islam in which he bases his conclusion on the contents of al-Sayyuti's famous work Tarikh al-Khulafa wal Muluk (history of the caliphs and kings; do not confuse it with Tabari's Tarikh; both books bear the same title, and this is not uncommon at all)." (Al-Jibouri)
- Yasin T. Al-Jibouri, Khadijah, Daughter of Khuwaylid, Wife of Prophet Muhammad at al-Islam.org
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_Kulthum_bint_Muhammad
Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم) (c.603-630) is considered to be the third daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid.
She was born in Mecca, probably the fifth of their six children. She was legally married before August 610 to Utayba ibn Abi Lahab, but the marriage was never consummated. She was still living with her parents when Muhammad first declared himself a prophet, and Umm Kulthum became a Muslim soon after her mother did.
After Muhammad warned Abu Lahab of hellfire in 613, Abu Lahab told Utayba that he would never speak to him again unless he divorced Umm Kulthum, so he did.
Her maternal brother, Hind ibn Abi Hala, asked Muhammad, "Why did you separate Umm Kulthum from Utayba?" Muhammad replied, "Allah did not allow me to marry her to a person who is not going to Paradise."
Muhammad left Mecca in September 622. Before long Zayd ibn Harithah brought instructions to Umm Kulthum and her sister Fatima to join their father in Medina. Their uncle Al-Abbas put them on a camel; but as they were setting off, Huwayrith ibn Nuqaydh goaded the animal so that it threw them to the ground.
Muhammad remembered the assault and, when he conquered Mecca in 630, he sentenced Huwayrith to death.
However, Umm Kulthum and Fatima arrived safely in Medina.
After the death of her sister Ruqayya left Uthman a widower, he married Umm Kulthum. The marriage was legally contracted in August/September 624, but they did not live together until December. The marriage was childless.
Soon after the Battle of Uhud, Umm Kulthum answered the door to a man who said he owed money to Uthman. Umm Kulthum sent for her husband and learned that the visitor was a cousin from the enemy army who was seeking protection. Uthman was displeased but he went to ask Muhammad about it. While he was out, some Muslims entered the house and asked Umm Kulthum where the fugitive was. She pointed to his hiding-place behind a water-skin, and they pulled him out. They brought him before Muhammad just as Uthman was pleading for the safe-conduct. Muhammad granted Uthman the right of protection for three days, so Uthman quickly gave his cousin a camel to assist his escape. But after three days, the Muslims overtook him on the road and killed him anyway.
Anas ibn Malik recalled: "I saw Umm Kulthum, the daughter of Allah's Messenger, wearing a striped silk cloak."
Umm Kulthum died in November/December 630.
Her father tearfully conducted her funeral prayers; then Ali, Usama ibn Zayd and Abu Talha laid the corpse.
Muhammad said, "If I had ten daughters, I would marry them all to Uthman."
Uthman was known as Dhu al Nurayn ("the possessor of the two lights") because it was believed that no other man had ever been married to two daughters of a prophet.[23]
About Umme Kulthoom (Persian)
محمد، دختر محمد پیامبر اسلام از خدیجه بنت خویلد بود.[%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%85%D9%86%D8%AF منبع] امّ کلثوم نخست با عتیبه پسر ابولهب ازدواج کرد. وقتی محمّد اعلام پیامبری کرد، ابولهب پسرش عتیبه را واداشت که ام کلثوم را طلاق دهد.پس از مرگ رقیه دختر محمد در سال ۲ هجری، ام کلثوم در سال سوم هجرت، به عقد عثمان پسر عفان درآمد. ام کلثوم در سال نهم پس از هجرت در مدینه درگذشت و در بقیع مدفون گشت.
Umme Kulthoom's Timeline
603 |
Mecca, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia
630 |
Age 27
Medina, Arabia
Age 27
Medina, Al Madinah Province, Saudi Arabia