Unknown Любечанин

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Unknown Любечанин

English (default): Unknown, Russian: Любечанин
Birthplace: Kiev, Kyiv City, Kyiv city, Ukraine
Immediate Family:

Wife of Malk of Lyubech, prince of the Drevlians
Mother of Malusha Lubechanka and Dobrynya Nikitich

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Unknown Любечанин

Ben notes: This person is not named in any source. Malkovna, as some have placed the name, would indicate that this person was the daughter of someone named Malk. If someone could indicate the source that names her this, that would be great. Until then, she should be indicated as "Unknown".

(Further, would ask the source for the birth and death dates being listed as 920-970, how she was first born, etc. None of these are sourced. There is also no source indicating her name is Olga, or that she was from Liubech, though in theory one can presume that based on Prince Mal's origin.)

Also note: Prince Mal's relationship as father of Malusha is likewise unproved, though possibly allowable as there appear to be a certain number of historians that believe that this relationship existed.

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Unknown Любечанин's Timeline

Kiev, Kyiv City, Kyiv city, Ukraine
Nyzkynychi, Ivanychivs'kyi district, Volyns'ka oblast, Ukraine
Любеч (Lyubech), Черниговское Княжество (Present Chernihivskaya Oblast), Киевская Русь (Present Ukraine and Russia)