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m thirdly (before 867) ---, daughter of CINAED & his wife ---. The Fragmentary Annals of Ireland record in 867 "an encounter between Oisle son of the king of Norway and Amlaib his brother", adding that "the king had three sons, Amlaib, Imar and Oisle, Oisle was the least of them in age", recounting a lengthy romanticised account of the killing of Asl by his brother Olaf which includes Asl suggesting to Olaf that "if your wife i.e. the daughter of Cinaed does not love you, why not give her to me"[1157]. There is no way to judge the accuracy of the information concerning Olaf´s wife. Clare Downham refers to works which attempt to identify "Cinaed" either as Kenneth I King of Scotland, as "Cinaed mac Conaing king of Brega, an ally of Olaf who was killed in 851" or "indeed yet another Cinaed", concluding that "either identification is possible, if the lady is not a figure of fiction"[1158].
Two wives of Amlaíb are mentioned by the annals. The first, an unnamed daughter of Áed Findliath is mentioned in passing by the Fragmentary Annals with regards to an alliance between Amlaíb and Áed.[35] Elsewhere the Fragmentary Annals, when reporting the death of Auisle, refer to "the daughter of Cináed" as Amlaíb's wife.[73] It has been suggested that the reference to Áed is mistaken, and that Amlaíb's wife was a daughter of Cináed mac Conaing, who had been drowned by Máel Sechnaill in 851.[83] Another possibility is that the Cináed in question is Cináed mac Ailpín (i.e. Kenneth MacAlpin, which would make Amlaíb a brother-in-law of his killer Constantine I, a son of Kenneth).[84] Two sons are noted by the annals: Oistin and Carlus, each of whom is mentioned a single time.[85] Both died violently; Carlus died in 868 fighting against Áed Findliath and Oistin was "deceitfullly killed by Albann" in 875.[86]