Immediate Family
half brother
About Ursio I, vicomte de Melun
URSON (-[1085/94]). Vicomte de Melun. "…Ursio vicecomes Meliduni…" witnessed the charter dated 29 May 1067 under which Philippe I King of France confirmed the possessions of Saint-Martin-des-Champs[2230]. Père Anselme records that "Urson I…vicomte de Melun" donated "un beau reliquaire à l´abbaye de S. Aubert de Cambray" and "est nommé dans une charte de l´abbaye de Ferrieres" dated 1070, but gives no citation for the corresponding primary sources[2231]. "Urso Milidunensis vicecomes atque sua uxor" acknowledged that they had no rights in land of Saint-Maur-les-Fossés by charter dated 1085, the same document recording that "vicecomes Adam" claimed these rights of his predecessor "cuius filiam in conjugium habebat" and from whom he inherited the viscomté dated 1138, the latter witnessed by "Matheus de Monmorenci, Milo de Cortenai...Fredericus de Corboilo…"[2232]. m --- (-after 1085). The name of Urson´s wife is not known. Urson & his wife had [one child]:
a) [MATHILDE . "Adam de Chaalli…et uxor sua Mahaldis et filius eius Gilo" donated "terram de Fontanis" to Néronville, with the consent of "Joscelinus vicecomes Meleduni et Adam frater eius, nepotes memorati Ade", by undated charter[2233]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter, which records firstly that "Urso Milidunensis vicecomes atque sua uxor" acknowledged that they had no rights in land of Saint-Maur-les-Fossés dated 1085, and that "vicecomes Adam" claimed these rights of his predecessor "cuius filiam in conjugium habebat" and from whom he inherited the viscomté dated 1138[2234]. The document does not specify that Urson was the predecessor of Adam, and therefore father of Adam´s wife, but this is suggested. The chronology of the family also suggests that a connection with Urson may be correct. m ([1080/90]%29 as his first wife, ADAM de Chailly, son of ETIENNE & his wife --- ([1060/65]-after [1140]). Vicomte de Melun, de iure uxoris.]
Ursio I, vicomte de Melun's Timeline
1018 |
Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France
1042 |
Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France
1060 |
1085 |
Age 67
Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France