Immediate Family
About Vlad Dracul, II Grand-Voivode of Wallachia
RADU Bassaraba, son of NICOLA ALEXANDRU Bassaraba Voivode of Wallachia & his first wife Maria --- (-[1383/3 Oct 1385]). Voivode of Wallachia.
m firstly ANA, daughter of ---.
m secondly ---, daughter of ---. She became a nun as KALINIKIA[1144].
Radu & his first wife had one child:
1. DAN (-23 Sep 1386). Voivode of Wallachia.
Radu & his second wife had one child:
2. MIRCEA (-31 Jan 1418). Grand-Voivode of Wallachia. He established Bucharest as his capital in 1385. He became a Turkish vassal in 1396[1145]. m ---. Mircea & [his wife] had children:
a) VLAD DRACUL (before 1395-murdered 1446). Grand-Voivode of Wallachia. m ---. Vlad & [his wife] had children:
i) VLAD Dracula ([1431]-beheaded Dec 1476). Grand-Voivode of Wallachia. Vlad was the historical figure who provided the basis for the legends and novels about Count Dracula. m secondly ([1465/66]%29 --- [Hunyadi], daughter of ---. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[1146], she was a relative of Mátyás King of Hungary but the precise relationship is not known.
Vlad Dracul II, Basarab, Voievod de Walachia was born circa 1395 in Wallachia,Romania. His father was Mircea cel Bătrân cel Basarab. He was a A fost domnitor al Țării Românești între 1436 și 1442 și din nou din 1443 până în 1447..
Vlad married Mistresses. Together they had the following children: unknown illegitament child.
Vlad married Anastasia Musat(sau Bogdanescu). Together they had the following children: Alexandra.
Vlad married Vasilisa Musat. Together they had the following children: Vlad Tepes; Radu cel Frumos.
Vlad married Vasilisa Maria Musat (Cneajna), Princess of Moldavia in 1425. Together they had the following children: Dane Басараб, II; Mircea II, Prince of Wallachia; Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia; Radu cel Frumos Iii Hospodar Wołoski; Rade Lepi (Zgodni); Vojislav IV. Monah; Prince Mircea Dracula; Voivode of Wallachia vlad Basarab Dracula; Voivod Radu Hadsome Dracula.
He died circa 1447 in Bălteni, Comuna Periș, Județul Ilfov, Romania from Assassinato.
Vlad Dracul, II Grand-Voivode of Wallachia's Timeline
1395 |
Wallachia,, Romania
1401 |
1425 |
Transylvania, Romania
1428 |
Németország (Germany)
1431 |
November 2, 1431
Transylvania, Sighișoara, Mureș, Romania
1438 |
Sighișoara, Sighisoara, Mureș County, Romania
1447 |
November 1447
Age 52
Bălteni, Comuna Periș, Județul Ilfov, Romania
???? |