Wernher II, landgrave of Habsburg

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Wernher von Habsburg, Landgraf von Habsburg (1104 - 1167)

Also Known As: "Werner", "Wernher", "Garnier II of HABSBURG; Landgraf in ELZAS"
Birthplace: Habsburg,Aargau,,Switzerland
Death: August 19, 1167 (58-67)
Rome, Lazio, Italy (from an epidemic)
Immediate Family:

Son of Otto II, Count of Habsburg and Hilla von Pfirt
Husband of Ida Von Homberg and Ita von Starkenberg
Father of Gertrud von Habsburg; Albrecht III, count of Habsburg and Richenza von Habsburg
Brother of Adelheid von Habsburg; Otto von Habsburg; Ida von Habsburg and Rudolf I av Habsburg

Managed by: Private User
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About Wernher II, landgrave of Habsburg


WERNER, son of RATBOD Graf im Klettgau & his wife Ida --- (-11 Nov 1096, bur Muri). An undated charter relating to the foundation of Kloster Muri by "Radeboto comes…uxorem…Itam" names "Otto et Alberctus et Wernharius" as their children, adding that Otto was killed "ab Erinliero quodam milite" and was buried at Strasbourg[12]. A Habsburg genealogy names "Wernherum comitem et Richenzam sororem eius de Lenzburg" as the children of "Ita de Habspurg"[13]. 1056. He supported Pope Gregory VII in his fervent opposition to the laic appointments of Emperor Heinrich IV, and the latter’s appointment of Clement III as antipope in 1080. The Chronicon of Bernold records the death "1096 III Id Nov" of "Werinharius comes"[14]. An undated charter relating to the foundation of Kloster Muri records the death "III Id Nov" in 1086 of "comes Wernharius"[15].

m REGINLIND, daughter of --- (-30 Jun, after 1086, bur Muri). An undated charter relating to the foundation of Kloster Muri names "Regulinde" as the wife of "comes Wernarius de Habspurg"[16].

Graf Werner & his wife had four children:

1. OTTO [II] (-murdered Budenheim 8 Nov 1111, bur Kloster Muri). A Habsburg genealogy names "Ottonem et Itam de Tierstein" as the children of "Wernherum comitem"[17]. He was the first of his family to use the title Graf von Habsburg, in the 1108 reference to his support for Emperor Heinrich V in battle against Hungary. An undated charter relating to the foundation of Kloster Muri records that "comes…Otto" was killed "VI Id Nov" by "Hessone quodam nobili de Vesinberg in domo sua Butenhein" [Hesso von Usenberg?] and was buried at Kloster Muri with "pater eius et mater Regelind"[18]. m ---. The name of Otto's wife is not known. Graf Otto [II] & his wife had [three] children:

a) WERNER [II] (-near Rome from an epidemic 19 Aug 1167). A Habsburg genealogy names "Wernherum et Adelheidem de Huneburg" as the children of "Otto"[19]. Graf von Habsburg. Graf im Oberelsaß 1129. Acquired the Benedictine Kloster at Murbach in Oberelsaß 1135. The History of Salem Monastery lists those present at a court of "duce Friderico", including "Wernhero, comite de Habisburc", undated but dateable to [1152][20]. He inherited the Vogtei of Kloster Muri from his uncle Graf Albrecht [II] in 1141. m ---. The name of Werner's wife is not known. Graf Werner [II] & his wife had three children:

i) ALBRECHT [III] "der Reiche" (-25 Nov 1199). A Habsburg genealogy names "Adelberctum, Gerdrudem de Mümpelgard, Richenzam de Fierrito" as the children of "Wernherus"[21]. Graf von Habsburg, Vogt von Muri.

- see below.

ii) GERTRUD (-15 Feb [1132/34]). A Habsburg genealogy names "Adelberctum, Gerdrudem de Mümpelgard, Richenzam de Fierrito" as the children of "Wernherus"[22]. "Teodoricus comes Montis Biligardis" donated property to the church of Saint-Maimbœuf de Montbéliard, with the consent of "patris mei T. comitis…coniux nostra Gertrudis", by charter dated to [1155][23]. m THIERRY de Montbéliard, son of THIERRY Comte de Montbéliard [Bar-Mousson] & his wife --- (-before 1160).

iii) RICHENZA (-Dec 1180). A Habsburg genealogy names "Adelberctum, Gerdrudem de Mümpelgard, Richenzam de Fierrito" as the children of "Wernherus"[24]. m LOUIS I Comte de Ferrette, son of FREDERIC Comte de Ferrette [Pfirt] & his second wife Etiennette de Vaudémont (-1180).

b) ADELHEID . A Habsburg genealogy names "Wernherum et Adelheidem de Huneburg" as the children of "Otto"[25]. 1155. m DIETRICH Graf von Hüneburg, son of GOTTFRIED [I] Graf von Blieskastel & his wife --- (-before 1159).

c) [OTTO (-8 Mar 1174). Canon at St Moritz Cathedral, Augsburg [1150]. Provost at St Moritz Cathedral, Augsburg [1155/69]. Bishop of Konstanz 1165/66.]

Werner II Otto von HABSBURG (± 1085-1167)
Persoonlijke gegevens Werner II Otto von HABSBURG
Hij is geboren rond 1085 in Habsburg, Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz.
Hij is overleden op 19 augustus 1167 in Tusculum, Latium (Lazio), Italia.
De biologische ouders zijn Otto II Werner von HABSBURG en Hilda SCARPONNOIS von PFIRT

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Wernher II, landgrave of Habsburg's Timeline

Habsburg, Brugg District, Aargau, Switzerland
Habsburg, Aargau, Switzerland
Habsburg, Aargau, Switzerland
August 19, 1167
Age 63
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Land Count In Oberelsass