Wife Yehuda Loeb

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Wife Yehuda Loeb

Also Known As: "Great Gr.Gr.Gr.Grandmother of Maharal"
Immediate Family:

Wife of Yehuda Hazaken (The Elder) Loeb
Mother of Betzalel HaZaken ben Yehuda Hazaken Loew

Managed by: Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Wife Yehuda Loeb

Mrs. Yehuda Loeb married Yehuda LOEB, who was reportedly a descendant of King David (90 generations earlier). (See Aryeh Lifschuetz, Avoth Atarah le-Banim, Warsaw (1927) p. 163 and The ESKELES Genealogy by Zeev ESHKOLOT. for claims of descent from R. Hai). They had a son named Rabbi Bezalel (Hazaken) ben Yeuda Loeb.

Mrs. Yehuda was Great Gr.Gr.Gr.Grandmother of Maharal.