Matching family tree profiles for William M. Triplett
Immediate Family
About William M. Triplett
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A116631
By about 1780, he and his wife Mary had five children:
- Celia,
- William,
- Catey,
- Helen and
- John. Without divorcing his wife, he also had children by a common law wife named Catlett:
- Isabella,
- James,
- Susan and
- Nathaniel. These children were born between 1769-1776. William named all his children in his will (1822).
25 Apr 1768 Neil Jameson & Company, Plts. agt. William Triplett, Deft. In Case. This day came the Plts. by their Attorney and by their consent the Judgment and Writ of Enquiry against the said Deft. is set aside and the Deft. acknowledged the Plts. action against him for twenty two pounds, five shillings and four pence farthing. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said Deft. the said twenty two pounds, five shillings and four pence farthing and their costs by them in this behalf expended and the said Deft. in mercy, &c., Execution stayed nine months. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1764-1768, 350.]
25 Apr 1768 David Chevis, Plt. agt., William Triplett, Deft. In Case. This day came the Plt. by his Attorney and by his consent the Judgment and Writ of Enquiry against the said Deft. is set aside and the said Deft. acknowledged the Plts. action against him for twenty pounds, six shillings and ten pence half penny with Interest thereon to be computed from the eighteenth day of May 1764 till paid. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said deft. the said twenty pounds, six shillings and ten pence half penny with Interest thereon as aforesaid and his costs by him in this behalf expended and the said Deft. in mercy &c. Execution stayed twelve months. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1764-1768, 351.]
25 April 1768 John Casey, Assee. of William Blackwell, Sheriff of Fauquier County, Plt. agt, William Triplett and John Jett, Defts. In Debt. This day came as well the Plt. by his Attorney as the Defts. in their proper persons and the said Defts. acknowledge the Plts. action against them. therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said Defts. one pound, thirteen shillings and two pence current money and fourteen hundred and fifty six pounds of tobacco, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned and his costs by him in this behalf expended (cut off). [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1764-1768, 351.]
24 May 1768 John Gray and Company, Plts. agt. William Triplett, Deft. In Case. This day came the Plts. by their Attorney and came also John Jett and became Special Bail and Pledge for the Deft. in this suit, and the said Deft. acknowledged the Plts. action against him for five pounds, sixteen shillings and eight pence. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plts. recover against the said Deft. the said five pounds, sixteen shillings and eight pence and their costs by them in this behalf expended, and the said Deft. in mercy, &c. Execution stayed till December Court. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1764-1768, 362.]
27 June 1768 William Triplett is appointed Surveyor of the Road in the room of William Hogain and it is ordered that he with the Tithes belonging to the Road do clear and keep the same in repair according to Law. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1764-1768, 369.]
28 November 1768 "We, the Jurors of our Lord the King, for the County aforesaid do upon Oath present James Taylor of Hamilton Parish for being drunk at the Parish aforesaid and profane swearing within two months last past by the knowledge of two of us. We present Mary Triplett, the wife of William Triplett, for retailing Liquors without a License at the Parish of Hamilton within six months last past by the knowledge of two of us. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1768-1773, 50.]
1770 Rent Rolls 489 acres.
1771 William and Mary Triplett sell 410 acres on Licking Run to Arthur Morson and David Cheves of King George (deed 4 171). Indentures of Lease and Release and Receipt thereon endorsed between William Triplett and Mary his Wife of the one part and Arthur Morson and David Chevis of the other part were proved by to be the act and deed of the said William Triplett by the Oath of William Blackwell, Jr., Andrew Buchanan and Benjamin Snelling, witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded. Present: Charles Chinn, Gent. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1768-1773; Deed 4 171.]
22 April 1771 George Madison, assignee of Thomas Jett, Plt. agt. William Triplett, deft. (in debt). This day came the Plt. by his Attorney and the Sheriff having returned on the Attachment awarded against the said Deft. that he had attached one pewter Spoon and the Deft. failing to appear and replevy the same, although solemnly called, It is ordered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said Deft. forty eight pounds current money, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, and his costs by him in this behalf expended, and the said Deft. in mercy, &c. But this Judgment is to be dis. (cut off). [Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1768-1773, 288.] 24 September 1771 Fauquier County Court Minute Book, 1768-1773, 340 Cuthbert Bullitt, Plt. agt. William Triplett, Deft. On a petition. Judgment is granted the Plt. against the said Deft. for one pound, seventeen shillings and eight pence and his costs by him in this behalf expended.
1773 William Triplett and Thomas Green are surveyors of a road. [Fauquier Co. Minute Bk., 92.]
23 March 1773 George Madison, assignee of Thomas Jett, Plt. agt. William Triplett, deft. (in debt). This day came the Plt. by his Attorney and the Sheriff having returned on the Attachment awarded against the said Deft.'s Estate that he had attached one Spoon, and the Deft. failing to appear and replevy the same, although called, it is considered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said Deft. twenty three pounds, sixteen shillings and six pence with Interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five percent per annum from the nineteenth day of May 1769 til paid and sixteen shillings and three pence or one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, and his costs by him in this behalf expended and the said Deft. in mercy, &c., And it is ordered that the Sheriff sell the attached effects and return an Account of the Sale to the Court. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book 1768-1773, 473.]
23 March 1773 William Bernard and John Washington, Gent., Plts. agt. William Triplett, deft. (in debt). This day came the Plts. by his Attorney and the Sheriff having returned on the Attachment awarded against the said Deft.'s Estate that he had attached one Spoon, and the Deft. failing to appear and replevy the same, although called, it is considered by the Court that the Plt. recover against the said Deft. twenty four pounds, one shilling, the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, and their costs by them in this behalf expended; And the said Deft. in mercy, &c., But this Judgment is to be discharged by the payment of twelve pounds and six pence with Interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five percent per annum from the tenth day of August 1770 until paid and the costs. And it is ordered that the Sheriff sell the attached effects and return an Account of the Sale to the Court. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book 1768-1773, 473.]
24 May 1773 William Triplett for retailing spirituous liquors within twelve months last past by the knowledge of two of us at Hamilton Parish in the County aforesaid contrary to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. (also same day and same charge: John Ashby, Mary Freeman, Sarah Taylor all of Hamilton Parish). [Fauquier County Court Minute Book 1773-1780, 4.]
28 July 1773 John Lee and Company, Plts. agt., William Triplett, Deft. On a petition. Judgment is granted to the Plts. against the said Deft. for one pound, eight shillings and nine pence half penny and their costs by them in this behalf expended. [Fauquier County Court Minute Book 1773-1780:59.]
27 Nov 1773 Fauquier County Court paid William Triplett 200 lbs. tobacco for printing up sign posts. [Fauquier Co. Minute Bk., 102.] 6 May 1775-24 Oct 1775: John Vilett/Violet of Loudoun County; Fairfax; 113 acres on Piney Run, a branch of Dogue Run, a branch of Pot o in Truro Parish; adj. Col. George Washington, William Triplett, George Pimmet (now Col. George Mason's). CC Samuel Stone and Henry Loyd. Survey. John Hough. Surveyed for Wm Triplett by George Washington, Esq. in 1770 and deeded 8 March 1776 to Triplett. 21 February 1777 Mr. Thomasson Elzey informs that (cut off)
1778 Survey road from Licking Run to Dumfries Road at Brenttown old field. [Deed Bk. 14:351.]
1778 William Triplett on Fauquier County Southern District (Wm. Blackwell) Tithable/Personal Property List
1781 William Triplett on Fauquier County Southern District (Wm. Seaton & Wm. Conway) Tithable/Personal Property List
1782 tax list, William Triplett no longer pays taxes because of his advanced age.
Triplett, Mary. 85-89J. M 6-90, 1783. Against William Triplett in chancery. M 7-362, 1786. Spinster; illegal liquor sales.
1787 William Triplett on Fauquier County Southern District (John Blackwell) Tithable/Personal Property List
1799 William Triplett on Fauquier County Southern District (Geo. Lowrey) Tithable/Personal Property List
1799. Voted.
1799 William Triplett deed 14-351
He lived to age 103, according to a biography of his grandson Francis M. Triplett in a History of Marion, Ralls and Pike Counties, Missouri.
His will was recorded 27 May 1822, Will Bk. 8:186 of Fauquier County, Virginia: I. William Triplett. of Fauquier County being in perfect (tence?) mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament in manor and form following.
Item: I give to my son William Triplett one Dollar --
Item: I give to my son John Triplett one Dollar --
Item: I give to my daughter (Heland?) Taylor one Dollar --
Item: I give to my daughter Seley Gin one Dollar --
Item: I give to my son Jimmey Catelett alias Triplett one dollar and all my joiners tools --
Item: I give to my son Nathaniel Catlett alias Triplett one Dollar --
Item: I give to my daughter Catey Crump one dollar --
Item: I give to my daughter Isabella Honsey one Dollar --
Item: I give to my granddaughter Susannah Triplett one cow and calf and a bed and furniture.
Item: I give to my daughter Sukey Catelett alias Triplett all the land I own in Fauquier County. Also five hundred acres lying on the [great Canna)way [that is, the Kanawha River] and all my stock of horse, cattle, sheep and hogs, all my household and [. . .]tching furniture and plantation tools paying all my just debts. I do appoint John H. Triplett, Charles Waller, Lewis Waller, and my daughter Sukey Catelett alias Triplett
Executors of this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 19th day of June 1812. William Triplett
Test: John Triplett, ___ Bates, (and two others undistinguishable on copy).
The 500 acres on the Kanawha River might indicate military service.
William M. Triplett's Timeline
1719 |
January 20, 1719
Virginia, United States
1763 |
Culpeper Co, Virginia
1766 |
Culpeper County, Virginia, United States
1776 |
Virginia, United States
1785 |
1822 |
May 3, 1822
Age 103
Fauquier County, Virginia, United States
2004 |
July 31, 2004
Age 103
2006 |
April 25, 2006
Age 103
April 26, 2006
Age 103