Immediate Family
About William "of the Bevis" Carpenter's mother
The ancestry of William1 Carpenter, including his parentage, is unknown (as is that of RichardA).
From Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, FASG Ojai, California, 2008 Last revised 16 October 2010
"In Carpenters' Encyclopedia of Carpenters 2001 (CECD 2001), compiler John R. Carpenter presents an extensive ancestry for the subject William1 Carpenter and RichardA Carpenter of Amesbury, beginning with the aforementioned Robert Carpenter of Marden and his widow, Elinor, as their parents. Most of this ancestry— back from Rev. Richard Carpenter of Herefordshire and Wiltshire (d. 1503)— has been proven invalid (NEHGR 159:65n53– 66n53[contd.]); as above, the remainder is unsubstantiated and, particularly for the Amesbury man, dubious. Earlier versions of this ancestry, which differ from it for the first few generations (beginning with parents), are even more improbable than the CECD 2001 version (see, for example, Carpenter [1898] 1, 34). "
The parents of William "of the Bevis" Carpenter are not known.
William "of the Bevis" Carpenter's mother's Timeline
1576 |
of Newtown, Shalbourne Parish, Wiltshire, England
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