Yocheved Topola-Twersky-Friedenson

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Yocheved Rivka Topola (Halberstam) (1925 - 2024)

Hebrew: יוכבד רבקה טופולה-טברסקי-פרידנסון (הלברשטאם)
Birthplace: Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Death: February 18, 2024 (98)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Harav Binyomin Halberstam ABD Rudnik and Alta (Altche) Dreizel Halberstam
Wife of Itche Topola; Aharon Twersky and Joseph Friedenson
Mother of Private User; Private and Private
Sister of Private; Private and Private

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Yocheved Topola-Twersky-Friedenson

Daughter of Binyamin Halberstam, was born in Krakow, Poland in 1925. The family moved to Rudnik where her father served as Rabbi (ca 300 Jewish families). Her family survived WWII in Russia, and in 1946 emigrated to the USA. Yocheved was active in Agudat Israel in NYC, as a volunteer lecturing on the "Shoah" and raising money to save "she'erit ha'pleta" in Europe. She married Itche in 1946 and the family lived in Brooklyn, where they raised a daughter (Normi-Nechama) and a Son (Jakob/Yankie). Widowed in 1982. Later she married Rabbi Twersky and moved to his community in LA. After his death, she stayed in LA, and in 2007 moved back to NYC and married her 3rd husband Mr. Fridenson. In 2015, after his death, Yocheved followed many of her close relatives, and moved from New York to Jerusalem, Israel, where her daughter, many of her grandchildren and their families, and her brother and sister-in-law live.

Yocheveth Rywka Halberstam (Topola)
New York City Marriages, 1866-1949
Birth: Apr 30 1925 - Poland
Marriage: May 17 1949 - Manhattan, New York, United States
Groom: Icchok Menachem Topola
Father: Benjamin Halberstam
Mother: Alta Dreizil Epsztein

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Yocheved Topola-Twersky-Friedenson's Timeline

April 30, 1925
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
February 18, 2024
Age 98
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel