Immediate Family
About .... of the Thuringians, queen consort of the Lombards
2. HERMANFRED (-Zülpich 534). Gregory of Tours names Baderic, Hermanfrid and Berthar as three brothers ruling over the Thuringians[14]. … m [510] AMALABERGA, daughter of [HUGA rex Francorum] & his wife Amalafrida the Ostrogoth . King Hermanfred & his wife had four children:
c) daughter . Procopius records that "Amalafridus, vir Gotthus, ex filia nepos Amalafridæ sororis Theoderici Gotthorum regis et filius Hermenefridi regis Thoringorum…sororem eius” married "Anduino Langobardorum regi"[25]. The Codex Theodosianus records that the daughter of Amalaberga became the second wife of King Audoin[26].
m as his second wife, AUDOIN King of the Lombards, son of ---.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings:
AUDOIN 547-560, ALBOIN 560-572
[---] . (Unknown) King of the Pissa.
m MENIA ---. The Historia Langobardorum names "mater…Audoin…Menia uxor fuit Pissæ regis"[149]. This wording suggests that "Pissæ regis" was not the father of Audoin, presumably Menia's second husband. It is assumed that "Pissæ" indicates that he was king of a tribe of that name.
[King of the Pissa] & his wife had one child:
1. AUDOIN (-in Pannonia 560).
- The Historia Langobardorum names "Audoin ex genere…Gausus" and his mother "Menia uxor…Pissæ regis"[150]. …
m firstly RODELINDA [Roddenda], daughter of ---.
- The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Roddenda" as mother of "Albuin filius [Auduini]"[155]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Rodelenda" as mother of Alboin[156]. Paulus Diaconus names "Rodelindam" as wife of Audoin and mother of Alboin[157].
m secondly --- of the Thuringians, daughter of HERMINAFRID King of the Thuringians & his wife Amalaberga the Ostrogoth.
- Procopius records that "Amalafridus, vir Gotthus, ex filia nepos Amalafridæ sororis Theoderici Gotthorum regis et filius Hermenefridi regis Thoringorum…sororem eius” married "Anduino Langobardorum regi"[158]. The Codex Theodosianus records that the daughter of Amalaberga became the second wife of King Audoin[159].
King Audoin & his first wife had [two] children:
- a) ALBOIN (-murdered 28 Jun 572)