Was she the same as Joane “Anne” Ellis?
Widow Ellis married (1) before 1620 Ellis, and (2), probably before 1633, Lambert Genery. She died before 14 May 1658. [Note the Great Migration Project prefers the surname Chenery to Genery]
Her children were:
By first husband, Ellis:
By second husband, Genery:
Lambert Genery is said to have been first at Watertown and if so was in this country
before 1636, for in that year we find him a signer of the Dedham Covenant. He mar- ried first, a widow Ellis, by whom he had two sons, John and Isaac Genery. She died before 14 May 1658, for on that date he married, second, Thamzin Hewes by whom he had, Mary Genery, born in Dedham, 24 Dec. 1659. He was born 1593, and died in Dedham 30 Jan. 1 673-4 . He deposed aged eighty years, 1 7 June 1 673. He was admit- ted a Freeman in Dedham in May 1645 and served the town as constable in 1658-9.
He made his Will 17 Feb. 1673, proved 4 Feb. 1674, mentions son John Genery; Isaac Genery; daughter Mary; son-in-law Richard Ellis, and daughter-in-law Ruth Ellis, widow; and gives to church in Dedham.
Therefore to summarize The Benjamin Family...: A record was found, "of a Peter Austin of Tenterden, Kent 'who was licensed to Marry December 8, 1602 Arabella Benjamin, daughter of John Benjamin of Heathfield, Sussex, yeoman.'" This record and unidentified "collateral data" are cited as evidence for a "possible sister" relationships for this Ann to John Benjamin and Arabella Benjamin. Note that some genealogists assume relationships solely on the basis of shared last names and places; this may be the case. There is no record of Ann, daughter of John Benjamin, born at Heathfield or at Chalvington, Sussex.
Original identified as "Ann Benjamin", daughter of Family:John Benjamin and Unknown (6). This has been disproved, because (add reason here)
ELLIS, in Holman, Mary Lovering, and Harriett Grace Scott. The Scott Genealogy. (Boston, Mass., 1919) 192.
Among the early settlers of Dedham, Mass., were a number of persons by the name of Ellis. They were probably all related, but were unlikely to have been brothers and sisters. From the fragmentary data existing it seems probable that a widow Ellis, with two sons, Richard and Joseph, married Lambert Genery (or Chenery) and came to this country. It is quite possible that John, Thomas and Ann Ellis, also early settlers of Dedham, may have been her children or her step-children, but there is no proof of it.
The likely but currently unlinked relatives of 'widow Ellis' Genery:
John Ellis of Medfield, Anne Colver, and Thomas Ellis of Medfield
1600 |
Of, Wrentham, Suffolk, England
1621 |
1623 |
December 24, 1623
Waterstown, Middlesex, MA
1624 |
1630 |
Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
1658 |
May 1658
Age 58
Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony