public profile
Medlands does not show an Adelaide as a daughter of Richard II, duke of Burgundy & his wife Adelaide of Burgundy
From Stewart Baldwin’s “Henry Project”
Giselbert is directly documented as a son of Alberada, and thus Regnier, evidently younger than Giselbert, was probably by Alberada as well.
Regnier II, fl. 916-931, count of Hainaut, m. before 924, NN
Regnier was present at Heristal on 19 January 916 [Parisot (1898), 617; Wampach (1935), 170 (#146)]. He is mentioned by Flodoard as a brother of Giselbert in the year 924, at which time he already had a son, who was given as a hostage to his brother-in-law Bérenger ["Interea Giselbertum Berengarius, qui sororem ipsius uxorem habebat, comprehendit, quemque, oblatis obsidibus sibi pro eo filiis Ragenarii, fratris ipsius Gisleberti, dimisit. Idem vero Gislebertus dimissus, terram Berengarii Ragenariique, fratris sui, et Isaac comitis depraedationsibus plurimus vastat." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 924, 21-2]. Regnier II is called count of Hainaut by the life of abbot Gerard of Brogne ["... Raginero Hainoensi comite ..." Vita Gerardi abbatis Broniensis, MGH SS 15: 666]
REGINAR [II], son of REGINAR [I] "Langhals/Longneck" Graf im Maasgau & his wife Alberade --- ([885/900]-932 or after). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "Raginerus dictus Longi-colli"[26]. Flodoard names "Ragenarii, fratris ipsius Gisleberti"[27]. … .
"m ---. No reference has been found to the name or origin of the wife of Comte Reginar [II]. However, the introduction of the name Lietard into the Hainaut family after this marriage suggests that she may have been related to the family of the comtes de Huy (see Lower Lotharingian Nobility: Huy). If this is correct, she was --- [de Huy], daughter of ---. This would also explain why her grandson became comte de Louvain, which formed part of the territories relinquished by Ansfrid [II] Comte de Huy when he was appointed bishop of Utrecht in 995.
"Dhondt suggests that the wife of Reginar [III] was the sister of Comte Ansfrid [II], whose father was named Lambert, the name given by Reginar [III] to his younger son. In addition to the onomastic arguments, Dhondt comments that the voogdij of Gembloux abbey passed from Ansfrid [II] to Lambert [I] de Hainaut[32]. This provides an additional argument for a family relationship between the comtes de Huy and the comtes de Hainaut. However, Dhondt’s suggestion does not explain the introduction of the name Lietard into the Hainaut family. >On balance, it appears more likely that such a family connection was through the wife of Reginar [II] rather than the wife of Reginar [III]. If this is correct, it is possible that the wife of Reginar [II] was the paternal aunt of Ansfrid [II]." — (5 Oct 2022)
Comte Reginar [II] & his wife had four children:1. REGINAR [III] (920-973)....
2. RUDOLF (-after 24 Jan 966)....
3. LIETARD (-[before 944]).
4. daughter....
894 |
Bourgogne, France
915 |
Hainault, Lorraine, France
924 |
Hainaut (within present Belgium), Lotharingie, Frankish Empire
960 |
Age 66
Age 66
Convent Of Saints Peter And Paul, Seltz, Alsace
1930 |
May 23, 1930
Age 66
May 23, 1930
Age 66