A photo of Ronnie Nathanielsz by Noel Zarate of TV 5 network
Ronnie Nathanielsz
(1935 - 2016)
Ronald Fredrick William Nathanielsz, was a Sri Lankan-born Filipino sports journalist, commentator and analyst.
Svante Nilsson
(1460 - 1512)
Svante Nilsson (Sture), riksföreståndare, riksråd, . (Använde aldrig namnet Sture). Född år 1460 cirka, son till Nils Bosson Sture (tillhörde släkten Natt och Dag) Död vid nyåret 1512. Motståndare till...
Sancho I el de los Buenos Fueros, conde de Castilla
(965 - 1017)
Sancho García García, el de los Buenos Fueros (?-1017). Conde de Castilla del 995 al 1017. Hijo de García Fernández y su mujer Ava de Ribagorza. Sucedió a su padre al frente del condado tras su muerte ...
Hunimund "the Beautiful" of the Ostrogoths
(c.326 - c.405)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary: (Ostrogoth Generation 10)Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[39]. HUNIMUND (Ostrogoth Generation...
Christian II af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge, Kung av Sverige
(1481 - 1559)
Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway.*Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein.*King Christian II of Norway in 1513.*King Christian II of Denmark in 1513.*King Christian II of Sweden in 1520.*Dep...
Ivar Olavsson
(c.1204 - c.1247)
Sysselmann i Hedmark.
Fødsel: Satt til før ca 1204, siden han var sysselmann 1224, og var sikkert voksen da.
Død: Satt til ca 1240 etter Store Norske Leksikon sin oppføring - men...
Gotthard Wilhelm Vilhelms von Berg, Erbherr auf Erlaa und Sepküll
(1682 - 1756)
Geoffrey de Lucy
(1015 - c.1060)
Ingegerd Haraldsdotter, of Norway
(1046 - 1120)
Ingegerd of Norway=Ingegerd Haraldsdotter of Norway (Old Norse: Ingigerðr Haraldsdóttir, c. 1046 – c. 1120) was a medieval Scandinavian Queen, Princess of Norway, and the Queen consort first of King Ol...
Captain Ebenezer Byram
(1692 - 1753)
They moved to Morris Co., NJ and built the famous Black Horse Inn in 1745. It is still being used, Mendham, NJ. From "Through the Years in Mendham Borough" by Catherine M. Emmons, Page 69 - "The Black ...
Jekaterina Dolgorukova
(1847 - 1922)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: Suomi English Keiser Aleksander II peamine siht olid olnud reformid.,muutused,otsimine.Need sagedased innustumised uutest ideedest leidsid kujuka väljenduse...
Ignaz Asriel Wolf
(1841 - 1906)
"Die Familie Wolf" - by Ernst Wolf 1924see no. 267"Hier in der Heiligen Juedischen Gemeinde Eisenstadt"by Johnnes Reiss 1995, see no.643Death notice in Neue Freie Presse -
Recaredo I, rey de los visigodos
(b. - bef.601)
Reccared I, King of The Visigoths
Reign 586 – 21 December 601
Predecessor Liuvigild
Successor Liuva II
Born c. 559 AD [citation needed] Hispania
Died 21 December 601 Toledo, Hispania
Hélie de Semur, duchesse consort de Bourgogne
(c.1016 - c.1055)
Hélie de Semur, duchesse consort de Bourgogne=* Daughter of Dalmas I, seigneur de Semur and Aremburge de Vergy * Helie died on 28 February 1141, in Perseigne Abbey in neufchâtel-EN-Saosnois.== Project ...
William Godwin
(c.1679 - 1720)
Not the same as William Godwin of Lower Parish
Disputed as son of Col. Thomas Godwin, II
William GODWIN was born 1689 in Nansemond County, VA, and died 1736 in Isle of Wight Co, VA. He m...
Nancy Coley Hall
(1767 - 1858)
Birth: 1767 North Carolina, USA Death: 1858 Montgomery County Georgia, USALewis Hall, Jr. and his wife, Nancy, were members of the Methodist Church. He died April 22, 1821 and she died in 1858. They ...
John de Olney, III, Lord Of Weston
(c.1354 - bef.1422)
The Olney succession, per of the Domesday manor was granted by John de Bidun in the reign of Henry I to Ralf de Nowers, who was still holding in 1166. (fn. 35) His descendant Aumary de Nowers was sued ...
Ermesinda Gutiérrez de Coimbra
(c.910 - c.942)
Ordonho III de LeãoA segunda amante foi Elvira Pais Daza, (esposa de Munio Froilaz de Coimbra) filha de Paio Gonçalves, conde deDeza e de Ermesinda Guterres de Coimbra de quem teve:Bermudo II, rei de L...
Pieter Christiaansz de Jager
(c.1671 - bef.1715)
From Zutphen in Gelderland. The progenitor is shown in the baptismal and marriage registers as Pieter Christiaens. His wife, Hermina Karels is of unknown heritage and has no connection with the Carelse...
Osmund Andersen Lømsland, Eidsvollsmann
(1765 - 1841)
Andersen Lømsland (1765-1841)Parti: UnionspartietFylke: Vest-AgderYrke: GårdbrukerNasjonalitet: NorskAlder i 1814: 49 år gammelValgdistrikt: Mandals amtBåde valgmennene og representantene fra Mandals a...
Eva Anna-Kreetantytär Kreivi
(1847 - 1880)
Isak Kreivin (Grefve) lesken Anna Kreeta Pessa-Kreivin au-lapsi. Eva sai jostain syystä tai toisesta äitinsä miehen sukunimen ja samoin myös Evan neljä au-lasta käytti sukunimeä Kreivi.
Oäkta barn til...
Mahaut de Lusignan, Countess of Hereford
(b. - 1241)
Mahaut de Lusignan, also known as Maud d’Eu, (Abt 1214 - 14 Aug 1241)===Biographyand ParentageShe was born about 1210 in La Marche, Poictou, France. [2]She was the daughter of Raoul I of Lusignan, Comt...
Tapani Brotherus
Helsinki, Finland
Tapani Kaarle Heikinpoika Brotherus on suomalainen diplomaatti, joka pelasti tuhansia ihmisiä kuolemalta toimiessaan Suomen asiainhoitajana Chilessä Augusto Pinochetin vallankaappauksen aikaan.
Gerberge von Henneberg von Zutpen
(aft.975 - aft.1036)
HERIBERT (-992). m IMIZA . Heribert & his wife had four children:>a) OTTO von Hammerstein (-[5 Jun] 1036). m IRMGARD , daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mathilde of Saxony [Billung] ([970...
Alice de Audley, Baroness Neville
(1300 - 1374)
Alice Audley1 F, #3517, b. circa 1304, d. 12 January 1373/74Last Edited=21 Aug 2005 Alice Audley was also reported to have been born circa 1304 at Hadley, Staffordshire, England.2 She was born before 1...
Reginald I of Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy
(986 - 1057)
Research: Name Spellings
Authors of books, compendium chapters, and academic journal articles written in English use various name-spellings: Renaud, Rainald, and Reginald. More commonly used in aca...
 Unknown artist. Via Wikipedia https://lmo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducaa_de_Milan#/media/Archivi:Louis_XII_de_France.jpg Public Domain
Louis XII, King of France
(1462 - 1515)
Louis XII de France
The Peerage
English Wikipedia
Francais Wiki
Louis XII (27 June 1462 – 1 January 1515) , called "the Father of the People" (French: Le Père du Peuple) wa...
Sir Alexander Erskine, 3rd Lord Erskine
(c.1436 - bef.1509)
Erskine, 3rd Lord Erskine1 d. between 1508 and 1509Alexander Erskine, 3rd Lord Erskine was the son of Thomas Erskine, 2nd Lord Erskine and Janet Douglas.He married, firstly, Christian Crichton, daughte...
Sir Robert Erskine, 4th Lord Erskine
(c.1458 - 1513)
Robert Erskine, 16th Earl of Mar was the son of Alexander Erskine, 15th Earl of Mar. He was born before 1475 and died o 9 SEP 1513, killed in the Battle of Flodden Field, Roxborough, Scotland.Links*
William "Gray Willie" Forbes, 3rd Lord Forbes
(c.1442 - c.1483)
Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Gray Willie: Forbes, 3rd Lord Forbes [1]*M, #29682, *d. between 9 July 1477 and 5 July 1483*Last Edited=6 Apr 2011*Consanguinity Index=0.01%William Forbes, 3rd Lord Forbe...
Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild
Klosters Serneus, Prättigau/Davos, Graubünden/Grigioni/Grischun, Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild (born 12 July 1971), is a British-born financier who settled in Switzerland and is a member of the...
Lydia Koidula
(1843 - 1886)
Lydia Koidula (sünninimi Lydia Emilie Florentine Jannsen) oli eesti kirjanik, Johann Voldemar Jannseni tütar. Lydia Koidula was the pen name of Lydia Emilie Florentine Jannsen, an Estonian poet.
Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas, I
(1088 - 1147)
Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas=* Son of Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas and Maud d'Avranche b. circa 1088, d. after 1147Robert I FitzHarold, Lord of Ewyas Harold|b. c 1088\nd. a 1147|p367.htm#i6987|Harold...
David II, king of Scots
(1324 - 1371)
Early Life
David II was the elder and only surviving son of Robert I of Scotland and his second wife, Elizabeth de Burgh. He was born on 5 March 1324 at Dunfermline Palace, Fife. His moth...
Sir William Hilton, III, 9th Lord Hylton "The Blind Baron"
(1488 - c.1536)
Sir William Hilton, 9th Lord Hylton
M, #71048, b. circa 1490
Father Sir William Hilton b. c 1457
Mother Margery Bowes b. c 1465
Sir William Hilton, 9th Lord Hylton was born circa 1490 at of Yor...
(1925 - 2013)
Josephus Matthiae Mathesius
(1608 - 1685)
Vid rådstuvurätten i Nykarleby behandlades 1663 och 1667 Sofia Davidsdotters arvsangelägenheter. Av protokollen (se länkar nedan) framgår bl.a att Sofias mor Karin är avliden, och hennes ännu levande m...
King Aun "The Aged" Jörundsson, of Uppsala
(c.509 - c.590)
Ane, On, One, Auchun or Aun the Old (Audhun, the same name as the A-S name Edwin) was the son of Jorund and one of the Swedish kings of the House of Yngling, the ancestors of Norway's first king, Haral...
Eero Järnefelt
(1863 - 1937)
Kirkollisasiaintoimituskunnan arkisto > Diarioimattomat saapuneet asiakirjat > Valtion matka-apurahoja saaneiden taiteilijoiden opiskelustaan esittämiä todistuksia 1875-1908 (Ec:6)
(896 - 968)
Eadgifu of Kent, also Edgiva, (died August 25, 968) was the third wife of Edward the Elder, King of England. Eadgifu was the daughter of Sigehelm, Ealdorman of Kent (d. 903). Eadgifu and Edward had fou...
Ottar in Egilsson
(c.551 - c.617)
brief biography Konge i Svitjord 456-460
content to clean up According to Beowulf Ottar had a younger brother Onela.
Froders jarlar, som han lämnat kvar ...
Hermann Wilhelm Göring
(1893 - 1946)
Hermann Wilhelm Göring (12 January 1893 – 15 October 1946) was a German politician, military leader, and leading member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). A veteran of World War I as an ace fighter pilot, he w...
Sofia Juliana Forbus
(1649 - 1701)
Sofia Juliana Forbus , född 1649-07-01, död 1701-07-24 och ligger jämte sin man begraven i Forbuska graven under altaret i Riddarholmskyrkan. Gift 1664-12-15 i Nikolai församling, Stockholm med riksråd...
Hans Larsson Siniluoto
(1579 - 1645)
G. S. n. 2344, 4. sukupolvea"Mahdollisesti lähtöisin Saloisista ja Siniluodon talosta. Porvari Oulussa."
Ragvald Jönsson
(c.1440 - 1501)
"Sjundbyn suvun kantaisäksi hän (Alf Brenner) on tarjonnut Jöns Håkaninpoikaa, mutta Eric Anthoni on osoittanut sen mahdottomaksi. Jully Ramsay puolestaan on asettanut Sjundbyn suvun esi-isäksi Henrik ...
(1957 - 1998)
Johann (Hans) Hölzel (German: [%CB%88jo%CB%90han (hans) ˈhœlt͡sl̩]) (19 February 1957 – 6 February 1998), better known by his stage name Falco , was an Austrian singer, songwriter and rapper.Falco had ...
John Hay, U.S. Secretary of State
(1838 - 1905)
Milton Hay (October 8, 1838 – July 1, 1905) was an American statesman, diplomat, author, journalist, and private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln. In August 1898, Hay was named by President M...
Moshe Porat Ben Yehiel Treves Ashkenazi
(c.1150 - 1230)
Dear Yigal,Asher אשר Klein קליין has sent you a message (May 31, 2011): Moshe Ashkenazi (son of Jechiel Ashkenazi) died in Paris France.Children of Moshe Ashkenazi are: +Joseph Ashkenazi Treves, b. 130...
Matityahu II ben Yosef Treves Ashkenazi
(c.1210 - c.1279)
Subject: סדר הדורות אבותיו של מהר"ם מפדואה עד רש"י:[%D7%9E%D7%94%D7%A8"%D7%9D מפדואה]*יצחק קנצנלנבוגן [%D7%A0%D7%A9%D7%90 את יוליה מלכה, בת יחיאל לוריא השני]* יחיאל לוריא השני עבר מאלזס לבריסק* אהרן לו...
Agnes of Arnstein
(c.1122 - c.1179)
Agnes von Arnstein born about 1128 Arnstein, Unterfranken, Bavaria died 1179 Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlandsfather:*Ludwig II Graf von Arnstein born about 1090 Germanymother: unknownsiblings: unknowns...
Rev. Abraham Pierson, II
(1641 - 1707)
Abraham Pierson (1646 – March 5, 1707) was an American Congregational minister who served as the first rector, from 1701 to 1707, and one of the founders of the Collegiate School — which later became...
Alfonso III el Magno, rey de Asturias
(aft.848 - 910)
III de Asturias, llamado el Magno (c. 848 - Zamora, 20 de diciembre de 910) fue rey de Asturias desde 866 hasta poco antes de su muerte.Hijo y sucesor de Ordoño I de Asturias y su esposa Munia, Alfonso...
Cleopatra Preston
(1917 - 2003)
Residence : Tazewell, Virginia, United States - 1920* Residence : Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States - 1930* Residence : Same House - 1935* Residence : Boissevain, Tazewell, Virginia, United S...
Kaja Kallas
Kaja Kallas (born 18 June 1977) is an Estonian politician, Chairwoman of the Reform Party and Member of the European Parliament (MEP), part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.*
Thomas I, count of Savoy
(1178 - 1233)
Ι (Tommaso I; 1178 – 1 March 1233) was Count of Savoy from 1189 to 1233. He is sometimes numbered "Thomas I" to distinguish him from his son of the same name, who governed Savoy but was not count.Thoma...
Hiltgart VonTübingen
(980 - 1020)
Richard Talbot, II
(c.1122 - 1174)
The History of the County of Dublin by John D'Alton (Dublin, 1838, pp. 191-2):In 1174 Richard de Talbot, having accompanied Henry the Second to Ireland, obtained a grant of Malahide, part of which, Mal...
William II "Rufus", King of England
(c.1056 - 1100)
William II 'Rufus' II, Guillaume Le Roux, King of England=William II preferred men, so no "lawful" children. From Medlands: GUILLAUME de Normandie ([1056/60] killed in the New Forest 2 Aug 1100, bur Wi...
Jöran Persson Wallius
(c.1610 - c.1672)
Magni utsåg år 1630 i Viborg Yrjö (Georgius) Pietarinpoika Wallius till att bli luthersk kyrkoherde i Kitee och Liperi. Yrjö ankom byn Suurlahti år 1630, och blev den 15 februari 1631 officiellt tillsa...
Jane Stith
(1624 - 1686)
Jane Mosby was born June 2, 1624 in Prince William County, Virginia. She was the daughter of Edward Mosby and his wife Hannah. She married (1) Thomas Gregory, no children; (2) Joseph Parsons, a daughte...
Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk
(c.1320 - 1399)
Margaret Marshall Plantagenet, Duchess of Norfolk1 b. circa 1321, d. 24 March 1399/0Margaret Marshall Plantagenet, Duchess of Norfolk was born circa 1321. She was the daughter of Thomas of Brotherton, ...
Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, Ha'Ari HaKadosh
(1534 - 1572)
I saac Luria (1534 – July 25, 1572) (Hebrew: Yitzhak Lurya יִצְחַק לוּרְיָא ), also called Yitzhak Ben Shlomo Ashkenazi and known as "The Ari", "Ari-Hakadosh", or "Arizal," meaning "The Lion," was a fo...
Tommaso I, IV marchese di Saluzzo
(1244 - 1296)
- - TOMMASO di Saluzzo, son of MANFREDO III Marchese di Saluzzo & his wife Béatrix de Savoie ... .. Thomas I (died 1296) was the fourth margrave of Saluzzo from 1244 to his death. He succeeded his fath...
King Solomon
(c.-1024 - c.-975)
2 Samuel 12:24-25 Named Solomon by his father, and Jedidya by G-d (via Nathan the Prophet).
1 Chronicles 3:5.
Was the ninth son of King David.
Wikipedia: Solomon and שלמה
Constance I, Queen of Sicily
(1154 - 1198)
Constance (1154 – 27 November 1198) was the heiress of the Norman kings of Sicily and the wife of Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor. She was Queen of Sicily in 1194-1198, jointly with her husband fro...
Nancy Lincoln
(1784 - 1818)
[Living Lincoln]
Id just like to point out that Nancy Hanks was Thomas Lincoln's first cousin by marriage. her aunt mary Shipley married mordecia Lincoln and her mothe...
Mall Pendin
(1939 - 2022)
Sündisin 12.aprillil 1939.a. kell 9.15 hommikul Riiamäe nõlval Tartu Erakliinikus Riia 54.
Näitus «Suure südame ja ärksa vaimuga» "Tartu Postimees" 15.09.2015
Igavikuteele on lahkunud Eesti Ge...
Matti Taneli Vanhanen
2006 : Matti Vanhanen (Jul–Dec) - Presidents of the European Council
ibiography.info.english... ; wikipedia.nl...
Vanhanen is the son of professor Tatu Vanhanen and Anni Tiihonen.
Finnish politici...
Gilbert de Ros
(c.1127 - 1176)
Since 28 July 2007, not a single valid source has been posted that supports to master profile's name or data. After reviewing two principle medieval genealogy sources that cite primary sources, neither...
Arnold, Duke of Guelders, Count of Zutphen
(1410 - 1473)
Arnold, Duke of Guelders Arnold of Egmond (14 July 1410, Egmond-Binnen, North Holland – 23 February 1473, Grave) was Duke of Guelders, Count of Zutphen. He was son of John II of Egmond and Maria van Ar...
Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel
(1269 - 1292)
"Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel (died 25 September 1292),[1] also known as Alesia di Saluzzo, was an Italian-born noblewoman and an English countess. She was a daughter of Thomas I of Saluzzo, a...
Antonino Muscarello
(1893 - 1894)
Abigail Seely
(1696 - 1757)
Abigail BishopF, b. 15 July 1696, d. 1 September 1757 •Father: Stephen Bishop d. 3 Dec 1722 •Mother: Ann Mercy Slasom Bishop •Note*: married by, Rev John Davenport •Married Name: Seeley •Birth*: 15 Jul...
Timo Juhani Soini
Timo Juhani Soini (s. 30. toukokuuta 1962 Rauma) on suomalainen poliitikko. Hän on ollut Suomen ulkoministeri vuodesta 2015, pääministerin sijainen 2015–2017, kansanedustaja vuosina 2003–2009 ja vuodes...
Rydeyrn ap Deheuwant
(c.155 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Ralph I "the Timid" de Mantes, earl of Hereford
(c.1026 - 1057)
Ralph de Mantes, Earl of Hereford=* Son of Dreux de Mantes, Comte du Vexin et d'Amiens and Godgifu. O seu ancestral materno mais famoso, provavelmente é o seu pentavô, o rei Alfred the Greath; enquanto...
Cadeyrn ap Pasgen
(c.350 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Knut Valdemarsson, Duke of Estland, Blekinge and Lolland
(c.1205 - 1260)
Skarsholm slægten (ca 1205 - ca 1433), efterkommere af kong Valdemar Sejr Skarsholm slægtens vaaben Våbenskjold: Tværdelt i blåt og sølv, i 1' felt en gående guld leopard el løve, i 2' felt røde hjerte...
Helena Guttormsdatter
(c.1167 - aft.1230)
Wikipedia DA
Helena Guttormsdatter, Efter Esbern Snares død, frille til Valdemar Sejr
Father: Guttorm Austmansson, jarl in Sweden
Mother: Undocumented...
Roger of Warkworth FitzRichard
(aft.1104 - bef.1178)
Nothing is known about his father, though we might assume he was called Richard. (He was not Richard fitz Eustace) Roger fitz Richard, Lord of Warkworth1b. circa 1140, d. before 1177Father Richard fitz...
Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal
(c.1083 - 1130)
Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal
Daughter of Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León and Jimena Muñoz
Teresa de Leão, countess of Portugal (in Galician-Portuguese : Tarasia or Tareja de ...
 Photo by the United States Department of State. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Caroline_Kennedy,_U.S._Ambassador_2.jpg
Caroline Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Australia
New York City, New York, United States
Caroline Kennedy is an American author, attorney, and diplomat serving as the United States ambassador to Australia since 2022. Kennedy previously served in the Obama administration as the United State...
Bill Gates
Medina, King, WA, United States
William Henry "Bill" Gates , III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, humanitarian, and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation. During his care...
Magnus V, King of Norway
(c.1156 - 1184)
Magnus V Erlingsson=* Son of Erling Ormsen "Skakke/ The Sharp" of Studla and Prinsesse av Norge Kristin Sigurdsdatter * Magnus Erlingsson ( Norwegian : Magnús Erlingssun ) (born 1156 , died 15 June 118...
Sir Walter Clifford, III, Baron Clifford
(1187 - 1263)
Walter, 3rd Lord Clifford
b. circa 1164, d. 1263/64
Father: Walter, 2nd Lord Clifford1 b. circa 1140, d. 1222/23
Mother: Agnes de Cundi1 b. circa 1143
Walter, 3rd Lord Clifford was born circa 1164....
Johann Peter Frey, I
(1689 - 1766)
record and grave photo: Find-A-Grave Hans Peter Frey was born in 1689 in Wingen, Alsace, son of Johann Jacob Frey and Anna Maria Schaub. His ancestry is known several generations further back, in Alsac...
Gillecholum Ó Duibhne
(c.995 - 1066)
Ancestral File View person in Pedigree modename: Malcolm MACDUIBHN (AFN: 8KFD-B5) gender: malebirth: aproximadamente 1020 Lochowe, Argyll, Scotland death: 1066 Normandy, , France Parentsfather: Duina O...
 Original photo by lukeford.net; cropped. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. Original via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Marla_Maples_LF_crop.jpg
Marla Maples
Marla Maples is an American actor and television personality. She was the second wife of Donald Trump. They married in 1993, had one daughter, Tiffany, and divorced in 1999.* Wikipedia: Marla Maples Sh...
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter
(c.1006 - c.1060)
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter på Sola
Daughter of Erling Skjalgsson, på Sola and Astrid Tryggvesdatter. Fagrskinna tells that Erling had sons, but does not give the names. Snorre believed that Erling and As...
Baroness Maud Pantulf, of Wem
(c.1227 - 1289)
Maud Pantulf, Baroness of Wem was the daughter of William Pantulf of Wem and Tyrley and Hawise fitz Warine.2,3 Maud Pantulf Baroness of Wem married firstly Ralph le Botiler of Oversley, son of Maurice ...
Sir John Harington, II of Farleton
(c.1300 - 1359)
Sir John Harington of Farleton (c. 1307, Farleton, Melling Parish, Lancashire, England; died 1359). See genealogical diagram, attached.Parents: Sir John DE HARINGTON 1st Baron Harington of Aldingham (A...
Shemayahu ben Shechanya 13th Exilarch
(c.-308 - -225)
1 Chronicles 3:22.
Abarbanel – undated handwritten manuscript from the collection of the late Rabbi Shmuel Gorr, held by Chaim Freedman. Reference was made to “Elef Margaliot” 1993, Meir Wunder.
Nocher I de la Ferté-sir-Aube, count of Bar-sur Aube
(c.922 - 1003)
(3 Nov 2017)COMTES de BAR-sur-AUBE (FERTE-sur-AUBE) NOCHER [I] de la Ferté-sur-Aube , son of ACHARD de la Ferté-sur-Aube & his wife [Achardia ---] (-after 1011). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the li...
Anani (Huna II) bar Nathan, 8th Exilarch
(c.190 - c.260)
Anani in I Chron. 3:24; the first exilarch explicitly mentioned as such in Talmudic literature (where he is named as Huna ); contemporary of Judah I (Judah HaNasi)======================================...
Reinfrid de Taillebois, Prior of Whitby Abbey
(c.1019 - 1105)
Reinfrid is not confirmed as a Taillebois, nor is it known whether he had any family before taking to religion."A certain Reinfrid, who had been a most valiant soldier of William the Conqueror, moved b...
Abba Mari ben Ukba, 20th Exilarch
(c.300 - c.370)
Exilarch Abba ben Ukba beni David was Exilarch (Exilarch [Hebrew: ראש גלות Rosh Galut, Aramaic: ריש גלותא Reish Galuta lit. "head of the exile", Greek: Æchmalotarcha], referring to the leaders of the D...
 Source: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-244811861-1-502168/catherine-stewart-stewart-of-innermeath-born-macdougall-in-myheritage-family-trees?indId=externalindividual-eb2640d769b31fb0c269e1b99fc58405&mrid=8c7a1e985e628d09f048f21e1f53081a
Margaret, heiress of Holkettle
(c.1328 - c.1417)
Margaret, Heiress of Holkettle===* Sex: F* Birth: ABT 1328 in Holkettle, Fifeshire, Scotland* parents: unknown; seen as Sir Alexander de Bethune, of Westhall #1 Robert STEWART , Lord of Innermeath b: A...
Wilhelm Odendaal, SV/PROG
(bef.1685 - 1732)
Birth Date 1690 *Death Date 1/29/1732 *First Name Willem (Wilhelm) *Last Name Odendaal *Suffix SV/PROG *Gender Male *Birth Location Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany *Death Location Cape of Good...
Apolonia Danielse
(bef.1732 - bef.1764)
Please do not merge with Apolonia Helena Plagmann, SM
This Apolonia was NOT married to Fredrik Simon Plaagman
Johannes v Ceylon koop slavin Apolon...
Capt. John Fox, Il
(1626 - 1682)
Captain John Fox of St. Dunstan was born about 1626 in Buckinghamshire, London, England and died on 16 Apr 1682 in Adner, Gloucester County, Virginia.
Parents: John Fox (1602-1665) & Elizabeth Conv...