Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • The Great Russian Composers

    Liadov, Anatoly K. (1855-1914)Balakirev Mily Alexeyevich (1836-1910)Glier Reingold (1875-1956)Cesar Antonovich Cui (1835-1918)Myaskovsky Nikolai Yakovlevich (1881-1950)Bortniansky Dmitry Stepanovich (1751-1825)Paul G. Chesnokov (1877-1944)Gurilev Aleksandar (1803-1858)Varlamov Aleksandr Egorovich (1801-1848)Verstovsky Alexey (1799-1862) Tree of VerstovskyGeorgy Sviridov (1915-1998)Vasily Sergey...

  • United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project

    This is an Umbrella Project. Please do not place profiles here. This project does not replace any other America Project.General Instructions. This group of projects is for people who wish to trace migration patterns of their families or for any other reason. (5/5/2016)# In the list of State projects below, click the link for the State where your Profile belongs. You may place Profile in the Gen...

  • DNA Geni Index

    This is the master index of user created DNA projects on geni.==In addition the the user created DNA projectes indexed here there are nearly 2,900 auto-genearated mt-DNA and Y-DNA projects created by geni.comFor an index of y-dna projects visit here: Y-DNA Geni Index For and index of mt-dna projects visit here: mt-DNA Geni Index Index last updated 6:56 AM on 4/21/2017==Number of user generated ...

  • Y-DNA haplogroups

    A Y-DNA haplogroup defines a group of men by the shared features of their Y-chromosome. Members of the same Y-haplogroup have a patrilineal (direct paternal) ancestor in common. Y-DNA haplogroup assignments can help to identify recent and distant genetic ancestry, and provide insight into ancient human societies and their migrations. This project offers a thorough presentation on Y-DNA haplogro...

  • Jewish families from Klučenice, Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Klučenice in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

  • DNA Portal

    Please create, link and index DNA projects on Geni to this one. Geni DNA Projects (alphabetically) 23andme, FTDNA and Gedmatch Autosomal DNA Knowledge share DNA Geni Index DNA Primer DNA Testing: Choosing a test Historical ancestors proven with atDNA Jewish DNA Project at Family Tree DNA Limits of DNA Testing for Family History

  • German / Austro-Hungarian Jewish Soldiers Killed in WWI

    Jewish fighters who served in the German and Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I (1914-1918).When WWI broke out, the Jews, eager to demonstrate their loyalty to their country, rallied to the war effort. They hoped that military service would promote their acceptance into German and Austro-Hungarian society.Some 320,000 Jewish soldiers joined the army---12,000 Jewish soldirs died fighting o...

  • Paters, Pastoors & Priesters in de familie

    Paters, Priesters - Pastoors - Kapelaan & Broeders in de familie . . internet:bronnen-informatie-documentatie-etcetera-- ...Aanvulling WELKOM! legenda m: missieperiode topografisch prov. Noord-Brabant ▶︎ ERP 1362/1375 : Arnold ROVER ‧ ‧ 1383-1428 : Joannes van BROECKHOVEN ‧ ‧ 14xx-1430 : Albertus BUCK ‧ ‧ 1445-1479 : Henricus RAIS(S)COP ‧ ‧ 1491-149...

  • Brethren Cemetery, Dallas Center, Iowa

    This project is for those buried in Brethren Cemetery, Dallas Center, Dallas County, Iowa. Driving directions to the cemetery: approximately 1-1/2 miles east of Dallas Center, Iowa on Hwy 44 & approximately 1/10 of a mile north on S Avenue. Find a Grave Iowa Gravestones Billion Graves IA GenWeb

  • Apothekers in de familie

    --Continuous work--collegae welcome!--2020-mei-19-di-05:04-GMT-lente--OeHoe-- Apothekers in de familie bronnen documentatie informatie ...aanvulling welkom! chronologisch ---voor 1500 geboren-- bron: Grafboek Pieterskerk LEIDEN - Notariele akten c.1500 Jacob Pieterszn. --- ‧ x ‧ pg.49 Ghijsbrecht / Ghysbert Dircxzn. --- ‧ x ‧ pg. Pieter Janszn. --- ‧ x ‧ p...

  • Lions Clubs International

    Lions Clubs International , is an international service organization established in 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, by Melvin Jones. The organization is currently headquartered in Oak Brook, IL. As of January 2020, it had over 46,000 local clubs and more than 1.4 million members (including the youth wing Leo) in more than 200 countries and geographic areas around the world. Introduction Lions Club...

  • Huisartsen in de familie

    Huisartsen in de familie* meer documentatie volgt.

  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

    KU Leuven or Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenB, is a Catholic research university in the city of Leuven, Belgium. It conducts teaching, research, and services in computer science, engineering, natural sciences, theology, humanities, medicine, law, canon law, business, and social sciences.In addition to its main campus in Leuven, it has satellite campuses in Kortrijk, Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Osten...

  • Italian Cinema e Teatro

    Actors, Movie directors italians or of italian origins

  • Officers of the Leib-Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment

    Лейб-гвардии Измайловский полк на сайте Офицеры РИА Краткая история, командиры, списки офицеров 1909-1916гг, фотографии. Зноско-Боровский Н.А. Исторiя лейбъ-гвардiи Измайловскаго полка . Издательство: Тип. П.Е. Лобанова . Место издания: СПб. Год издания: 1882

  • Kylä Sipsiö, Ikaalinen

    Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Sipsiö Seläntaustan neljännes Iso-Röyhiö, Vähä-Röyhiö, Sipsiö, Helle ja Luhalahti " Seläntaustan [Seleentaustan] asutuksella oli muita laajemmat takamaat. Ne ulottuivat pohjoisessa lähelle Vahojärveä, koillisessa ...

  • Petrischule in St. Petersburg

    If in your family tree you have persons that were faculty or pupils of Petrischule in St. Petersburg, Russia, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Only add profiles of people who attended or worked in Petrischule up until its nationalization in 1918. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "...

  • Od kod rastejo moje korenine

    Matične knjiga Pregledane: Begunje pri Cerknici Krstna knjiga - 1803-1806 Krstna knjiga - 1847-1893 Mrliška knjiga - 1847-1915 Bloke Poročna knjiga - 1813-1818 Poročna knjiga - 1818-1862 Poročna knjiga - 1863-1920 Borovnica Poročna knjiga - 1816-1849 (samo poroke, kjer so osebe iz krajev Blok, Cerknice...)

  • Kylä Ahjärvi, Kivennapa

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Kivennavan Ahjärven kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Ahjärvi oli kylä Kivennavan pitäjässä Karjalankannaksella. Ahjärvi oli jakautunut kolmeen erilliseen ryhmään: Ahjärveen, Ylijärveen ja Metsäkylään. Kivennavan järvistä kuusi oli Ahjärven kylässä. Pahajärvi, Tahoslampi, Mottilanjärvi, Saarijärvi, Kuijärvi ja kylälle nimensä antanut Ahjärvi. Lisäksi ol...

  • Kylä Pihlainen, Kivennapa

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Kivennavan Pihlaisten kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. Pihlainen oli kylä Kivennavan pitäjässä. Kylä sijaitsi kirkonkylästä 15 kilometriä luoteeseen, Muolaan ja Valkjärven pitäjien rajalla. Pihlaista lähinnä olivat Muolaan Jaarila ja Karhula. Kivennavan puolella lähimpiin kyliin Rantakylään ja Ahjärvelle oli matkaa, Ahjärvi oli kirkonkylään kuljettae...

  • Kymenlaakson saha- ja tehdasyhdyskunnat

    Kymenlaakson saha- ja tehdasyhdyskunnat KESKENERÄINEN PROJEKTI! Tähän projektiin on tarkoitus listata Kymenlaakson alueelta teollisuuslaitoksia ja kerätä näissä työskennelleiden henkilöiden ja heidän perheenjäsentensä Geni-profiileja. Henkilöitä voi liittää tähän projektiin tai luoda tarvittaessa isommille yhdyskunnille tai tuotantolaitoksille omia aliprojekteja ja linkittää ne tähän pääprojek...

  • Provincia di Novara, Piemonte, Italy

    AGRATE CONTRUBIA - Louis ROssi BORGOMANERO Nobili LESA - Piero OLEGGIO CASTELLO - ROMAGNANO SESIA - Del Boca VARALLO POMBIA - Parachini Ameno, Armeno, Arona, Barengo, Bellinzago Novarese, Biandrate, Boca, Bogogno, Bolzano Novarese, Borgo Ticino, Borgolavezzaro, , Briga Novarese, Briona, Caltignaga, Cameri, Carpignano Sesia, Casalbeltrame, Casaleggio Novara, Casalino, Casalvolone, Caste...

  • Italian Literature

    A project that focuses on italian literature Premio Campiello Premio Chiara Premio Dessì Premio Strega FELTRINELLI - Barocchi

2826-2850 of 72524 projects