Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Order of Friendship of Peoples

    The Order of Friendship of Peoples (Russian: oрден Дружбы народов, romanized: orden Druzhby narodov) was an order of the Soviet Union, and was awarded to persons (including non-citizens), organizations, enterprises, military units, as well as administrative subdivisions of the USSR for accomplishments in strengthening of inter-ethnic and international friendship and cooperation, for economical,...

  • Order of the October Revolution

    The Order of the October Revolution (Russian: Орден Октябрьской Революции, Orden Oktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii) was instituted on October 31, 1967, in time for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. It was conferred upon individuals or groups for services furthering communism or the state, or in enhancing the defenses of the Soviet Union, military and civil. It is the second-highest Soviet ...

  • Locality Pieksämäki - town and rural municipality, Southern Savonia, Finland

    Pieksämäen kaupungin ja maalaiskunnan paikakuntaprojekti Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Pieksämäen kaupungissa ja maalaiskunnassa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan, että profiilit liitettäisiin samalla Savon ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin Pieksämäki Wikipediassa Lähipaikkakuntien projekteja Pohjois-Savo Iisalmi I Juankoski | Kaavi I Karttula |

  • Locality Haapavesi, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland

    Projekti aloitettu 5.8.2017 Haapavesi (entinen nimi Haapajärvi, Pyhäjoen srk. kappeliseurakunta v. 1863 asti.)[7][8][9][10] on Suomen kaupunki, joka sijaitsee Pyhäjoen varrella Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa, Oulun Eteläisessä. Haapaveden naapurikunnat ovat Haapajärvi, Kärsämäki, Nivala, Oulainen, Raahe, Siikalatva ja Ylivieska. in English vanhimmat ihmisestä kertovat löydöt ovat kivikaudelta...

  • First Ancestor to Immigrate to U.S.A.

    Purpose A project intended to list ancestors that were the first to immigrate to the country now known as the United States of America. Many managers place a profile picture similar to the one on the right on their ancestor that emigrated from another country and arrived to build a new life in the U.S.A This project creates a data base of those pioneers. Your ancestor profiles added to this p...

  • Famous Russian and Soviet media persons

    Novelists, Poets, Scientists, Composers, Singers, TV presenters, Actors, "TV celebs"

  • Vietnam Portal

    Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country at the eastern edge of mainland Southeast Asia, with an area of about 331,000 square kilometres and a population of over 100 million, making it the world's fifteenth-most populous country. One of the two Marxist–Leninist states in Southeast Asia, Vietnam shares land borders with China to the north, and Laos and Cambodia to the ...

  • Locality Kiihtelysvaara, Finland

    Kiihtelysvaara locality project =Genealogy project for Kiihtelysvaara and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join ...

  • "So You're on a Stamp?!"

    Portraits on Stamps~Briefmarken~Postzegels~Timbres-poste EN: People that were/are on stamps for various countries FR: Personnalités figurant sur un timbre-poste, (For French stamps See dedicated Project ). DE: Bekannte Leute auf Briefmarken NL: Profielen met een afbeelding op postzegels in diverse landen Musicians on stamps This subject has fascinated me for years. How do people en...

  • Jewish Community of Brody

    =Jewish Community of Brody= In celebration of the town of Brody , Austria, present day Ukraine, and the people who came from there, particularly those who died in the Holocaust. A city, where wisdom and wealth, Torah and understanding, commerce and faith are united - Nachman Krochmal , in a letter to Isaac Erter 1961 Please add your ancestors or heroes from Brody to the project. You can do so b...

  • Chief Rabbinical Judges (Av Beit Din)

    Jewish communities throughout the world have had a court system separate from that of the surrounding non-Jewish communty called a "beit din". This three-member panel of judges is headed by the "Av Beit Din" (ABD). The project here seeks to compile a list of historical and contemporary chief judges.* Beit Din & Judges From Bible to Modern Times ==== Biblical Judges & Davidic Dynasty of Judea an...

  • Memorial to European Rabbis that Perished in the Holocaust

    Books and web sites about Rabbis that Perished in the Holocaust: Dr. Pnina Mysels wrote about Rabbis that perished in the Holocaust ( "רבנים שנספו בשואה "). The bibliography for that siteMore data about the Holocaust victims can be found in the Yad VaShem Data Base .Here I'd like to update , fix and add more data and photos from many other sources.- אדמו"רים שנספו בשואה, מנשה אונגר, הוצאת מוסד ...

  • Tartu Raadi kalmistute sidusprojekt

    Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Raadi kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. ==NB! Tegu on Tartus Raadil asuvate kalmistute sidusprojektiga.====Palume siia maetud isikuid lisada vaid siis kui on teadmata millisele Raadil asuvale kalmistule isik täpselt on maetud.==* ] ]]]

  • Vancouver area, BC Finns

    Geographical scopeFinns in the area

  • Torella dei Lombardi, Province of Avellino, Campania, Italy

    This project was created by Bob Aldorisio on June 9, 2024. I have spent several years reviewing the birth records, death records and marriage records available for this town on the Antenati website, the Family Search website and the microfilm available at the Family History Centers. I have identified over 21,000 individuals who are represented in these records born between 1700 and 1945. Of c...

  • Pudasjärven kylä: Livo

    Aloitettu 29.3.2018, kesken Livon kyläprojekti on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita Pudasjärven Livon kylästä ja siellä eläneiden sukujen tutkimisesta. Tämä on osa Pudasjärvi-projektia , tervetuloa mukaan myös siihen!Projektin yhteistyökumppanina (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin) voit täydentää projektikuvausta, ja liittää Livon kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileita projektiin. S...

  • Locality Ilomantsi, Finland

    '= Ilomantsi locality project =Genealogy project for Korpiselkä and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join projec...

  • Locality tree of Pudasjärvi, Finland

    Welcome to join Pudasjärvi locality project=You can join us by selecting Actions> Join the project And by the way, are you already in Pohjanmaa - Ostrobothnia Geni project !? Please join also it. You can add to project your Geni-persons who were born or lived in Pudasjärvi. See the list here Remember always to respect privacy. Also respect copyrights, for example, by appropriately referring to...

  • French Legion of Honour

    Legion of Honour , officially National Order of the Legion of Honour, French Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur , Legion of Honour - premier order of the French republic, created by Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul, on May 19, 1802, as a general military and civil order of merit conferred without regard to birth or religion provided that anyone admitted swears to uphold liberty and equa...

  • Order of the White Lion

    The Order of the White Lion (Czech: Řád Bílého lva) is the highest order of the Czech Republic. It continues a Czechoslovak order of the same name created in 1922 as an award for foreigners (Czechoslovakia had no civilian decoration for its citizens in the 1920s and 1930s). It was inspired by the Czech Nobility Cross created in 1814 by the Emperor and King Francis I and awarded to 37 Bohemian n...

  • Order of Playa Girón

    The Order of Playa Girón is a national order conferred by the Council of State of Cuba on Cubans or foreigners. It was established in 1961 and is named after the Playa Girón, site of the Cuban victory in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Wikipedia

  • Order of José Martí

    The Order of José Martí is a state honor in Cuba. The Order was named so after José Martí, the national hero of Cuba. The design was realized by the Cuban sculptor José Delarra. Wikipedia

  • Prominent (and less prominent) Communists and Socialists

    A project connecting and celebrating eminent (and less eminent) leftist politicians, communists, and socialists. It's in its infancy, so please cooperate!

  • Pudasjärven kylä: Ranua

    Ranua oli aluksi Pudasjärven kylä=Aivan Lapin eteläosassa sijaitseva Ranuan kylä oli osa Pudasjärven Pohjanperäksi kutsuttua suurta ja syrjäistä aluetta aina Ranuan pitäjän perustamiseen saakka. Tietoja kylän asukkaista löytyy digitoituna vain Pudasjärven kirkonkirjoista, sillä kirkonkirjoissa Ranua säilyi osana Pudasjärveä vuoteen 1917 saakka. Kylien rajat ja nimet ovat vuosien varrella muuttu...

  • Ranuan lotat

    Tähän Ranuan lotat -projektiin on tarkoitus koota Lotta Svärd -järjestön Ranuan paikallisosastoon kuuluneiden lottien profiileja. Tervetuloa mukaan täydentämään projektia vielä puuttuvilla ranualaisten lottien ja pikkulottien tiedoilla. Projektiin liittyminen: Valitse Geniin kirjautuneena tällä sivulla Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Profiilien lisääminen projektiin: Valitse profiilisivulla Toim...

301-325 of 72464 projects