The Order of the Crown of Italy (Italian: Ordine della Corona d'Italia or OCI) was founded as a national order in 1868 by King Vittorio Emanuele II, to commemorate the unification of Italy in 1861. It was awarded in five degrees for civilian and military merit. Today the Order of the Crown has been replaced by the Order of Merit of Savoy and is still conferred on new knights by the current head...
Forest Lawn Memorial Park LOCATION 7909 Mormon Bridge Road Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68152 USA PHONE 402-451-1000 WEBSITE www.forestlawnomaha.com/GraveIndex/IndexSummaryA.html MEMORIALS 89,772 added (53% photographed)
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Douglas County, Nebraska. The county was established in 1854 and named after Stephen A. Douglas (1813–1861), a senator from Illinois. It is the state's most populous county, home to over one-fourth of Nebraska's residents. It's also home to Omaha, the state's largest city. Adjacent Counties Dodge County Washington County Sau...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija Ljubostinje / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Ljubostinje Hr | Ljubostinje su naselje u sastavu Općine Unešić, u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji. Nalaze se oko 10 kilometara jugozapadno od Unešića.Lokacija / Location: Ljubostinje (Croatia) , Ljubostinje ==Povijest / History==Od 1890. do 1931. naselje se nazivalo Ljuboštine.==Prezimena L...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Warren County, OH. Warren County was created in 1803 and is named after Maj. Gen. Dr. Joseph Warren, III, a hero of the Revolution who sent Paul Revere and William Dawes on their famous rides and who died at the Battle of Bunker Hill. For a complete list of Townships & Communities, please see Wikipedia . Adjacent Counties ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Pike County, Kentucky. Official Website The county was founded in 1821 and was named for General Zebulon Pike, the explorer who discovered Pikes Peak. Between 1860 and 1891 the Hatfield-McCoy feud raged in Pike and in bordering Mingo County, West Virginia. Adjacent Counties Martin County Mingo County, WV Floyd County Kn...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Gallia County, Ohio. Official Website Gallia County was formed on March 25, 1803 and was originally settled by French immigrants, who named the county “Gallia,” the Latin name for Gaul, the ancient region of Western Europe which included present day France. In the 19th century, the county was settled by numerous migrants from the ...
Kilde Kilde Buksnes Bygdebok av Ola Berg , Bind II, 2. Opplag _____________________________________________________ Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 9 Ballstad og GÅRDSNR.10 Ballstadøy GÅRDSNR. 20 Bolle GÅRDSNR. 16 Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 31 Bø GÅRDSNR. 37 Farstad
The Helsinki Orthodox Cemetery is an Orthodox cemetery in Lapinlahti, Helsinki, south of the Lutheran Hietaniemi Cemetery. It was founded in 1815. Only people who belonged to the Helsinki Orthodox Church are buried in the Helsinki Orthodox Church cemetery. An exception to this is non-members of the congregation, the immediate relatives of members of the Helsinki Orthodox congregation, who can...
Royal Victorian Order The Royal Victorian Order is given by The Queen to people who have served her or the Monarchy in a personal way. These may include officials of the Royal Household, family members or perhaps British Ambassadors who have helped organise a State Visit to a particular country. The Order was founded in April 1896 by Queen Victoria as a way of rewarding personal service to ...
1.11.2023 Myös Junkkara Rovaniemeltä laskeltellen Kestiin omaa saman Y-DNA:n sikäli kun puut on kellään ehjiä. Projekti on pistetty alulle odottaessa Genin ja FTDNA:n yhteistyön jatkumista. Tarkoituksena on löytää yhteisiä kantahenkilöitä jotka yhdistäisivät Pussisten sukuhaaraa. Hajatietoa, lähde: Jere Markkanen "Asiakirjojen alussa 1540-luvulla Pussisia on nimenomaan Leppävirralla. Asut...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
In Catholicism, an abbess (Latin abbatissa, feminine form of abbas, abbot) is the female superior of a community of nuns, which is often an abbey. In the Catholic Church (both the Latin Church and Eastern Catholic), Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and Anglican abbeys, the mode of election, position, rights, and authority of an abbess correspond generally with those of an abbot. Catholic Encyclopedia...
Tervetuloa Uusikaarlepyyn merenkulun sukututkimusprojektiin! Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja liittää Uusikaarlepyyn seudulla vaikuttaneiden merenkulkuun liittyvien henkilöiden profiileja, valokuvia ja dokumentteja. Merenkulun ammattilaisten paikallisprojektit kattavat kaikki paikkakunnalla asuvat merenkulun ammattilaiset, myös ulkomaalaistaustaiset toimijat. Uudenkaarlepyyn projektit * Nykarleby ...
Image: The Boxer Codex of the 1590s contains vividly-colored illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippines and other nearby territories. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal If you can't get the answers you need on the Geni Knowledge Base or the Discussion Boards , all Geni curators are available to provide peer assistance. Concerns on Geni tools and on...
beta 1371 Smaeropp, 1408 Smithorp, 1424 Smaeterop, 1534 Smerup Smerup (part 1 ~1500 original ) Vitasvej 1, 7790 Thyholm, Denmark Google Map Historic Map 1850 Smerup (part 3 ~1750 complex: remaining East leg opposed to lost West twin leg no2) Gravgårdsvej 11, 7790 Thyholm Google Map Historic Map 1850 b1406-1412 Niels Stangesen Bild c1350-1424 Ejer-laaner penge til dronningen Niel...
Keskikylä oli yhteisnimitys Jääskelän, Norkkolan, Orolan ja Pyykkölän pikkukylille, jotka muodostivat yhtenäisen kyläalueen Muolaan kunnan keskiosassa. Keskikylän naapurikyliä olivat pohjoisessa Taaperniemi, idässä Lavola ja Vihola sekä etelässä ja lännessä Perkjärvi. Kyläkeskus sijaitsi Muolaanjärven eteläpään kaakkoisrannalla noin 12 kilometriä Muolaan kirkonkylästä Kirkkorannasta länteen. Ke...
Projektiin on tarkoitus liittää henkilöitä jotka ovat menehtyneen Suomen sodissa 1939-1945, mutta jotka eivät löydy Kansallisarkiston tietokannasta:"Tietokanta ei lähtökohtaisesti sisällä tietoja niistä sotavainajista, jotka eivät olleet puolustusvoimien palveluksessa. Näitä henkilöryhmiä ovat mm. partisaanien uhrit ja kotiseudun ilmapommituksissa menehtyneet siviilit."
Also known as Paeroa (Pukerimu) Cemetery.6.57 hectares of land, situated amongst gently sloping farmland on the main road to Waihi. Established prior to 1885 when the land was owned by the Thames County Council, as the public cemetery for the surrounding rural area including Paeroa. Ownership was subsequently transferred to the Ohinemuri County Council, and then to Hauraki District Council foll...
Connecting to the Big Tree=Last updated 31 Jan 2019The goal of Geni is to create a single, accurate family tree that connects all members, with no duplicates. However, there are Geni users who are not aware that they are part of the Big tree - or not part of the Big Tree. Nor do they know " how to " connect to the "Big Tree". Geni.com calls it the World Family Tree; see this page for World Fami...
Welcome, Explore the Anne Frank Museum >> Anne Frank was a wise 15 year old girl who touched the hearts of many people. She kept a diary as a girl in hiding during World War II. Anne sadly died and i want to make a family tree for her. I am close friends with her 3rd cousin. . . . Mathew Voorhees Marie "Anne" Frank - (12 June 1929 – early March 1945) was one of the most renowned and most discus...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Paide Sillaotsa kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Kontaktandmed Maetu otsing Haudi andmebaasis Kaart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Tervetuloa Pärnämäen kyläpuuhun==Tähän Pärnämäen kylän Geni-projektiin on tarkoitus koota Joutsan pitäjän Pärnämäen kylässä eri aikoina eläneitä henkilöitä. Kaikki Pärnämäen kylän asukkaiden sukututkimuksesta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita projektiimme, joka täydentyy ja kehittyy ajan ja uusien yhteistyökumppaneiden myötä.Kannattaa liittyä myös Joutsan pitäjäprojektiin ja laajempaan Keski-Suo...
Suursaaren (Karjalankannas) paikkakuntaprojekti Suursaaren ja lähialueen sukututkimusprojekti. Rekisteröidy paikkakuntaprojektin lisäksi suurempaan kokonaisuuteen, koko Suomen ja Karjalan sukupuuta rakentavaan Suomi ja Karjala -projektiin , sekä soveltuviin kyläprojekteihin (Ahnuksen osalta kyläprojekteja ei vielä ole). Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Lii...