Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Pazzi conspiracy

    The Pazzi conspiracy (Italian: Congiura dei Pazzi) was a plot by members of the Pazzi family and others to displace the Medici family as rulers of Renaissance Florence. On 26 April 1478 there was an attempt to assassinate Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother Giuliano. Lorenzo was wounded but survived; Giuliano was killed. The failure of the plot served to strengthen the position of the Medici. T...

  • Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Petolahti - Petalax

    Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin. Voit lisätä projektiin Petolahdelta (ruots. Petalax) lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Petolahden projektit Paikkakunta Petolahti, Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Petolahti, Pohjanmaa, ...

  • Ripley County, Indiana

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Ripley County, Indiana. Official Website Ripley County was formed on December 27, 1816 and was named for Gen. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, an officer in the War of 1812. Adjacent Counties Dearborn County Ohio County Switzerland County Franklin County Decatur County Jennings County Jefferson County

  • Washington County, Indiana

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Washington County, Indiana. Official Website On December 21, 1813, the state legislature of Indiana passed the act creating Washington County. This act took effect on January 17, 1814, making this date the official birth date of the county. It was named for George Washington, the first president of the United States. For a compl...

  • Lawrence County, Indiana

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Lawrence County, Indiana. Official Website Lawrence County was formed in 1818 and was named for Captain James Lawrence, who uttered the famous words "Don't give up the ship." after being mortally wounded during the War of 1812. Adjacent Counties Jackson County Monroe County Washington County Greene County Martin County ...

  • Pontotoc County, Oklahoma

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. The county was created at statehood from part of the Chickasaw Nation in Indian Territory. It was named for a historic Chickasaw tribal area in Mississippi. According to the Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Pontotoc is usually translated "cattail prairie" or "land of hanging grapes." Adjacent...

  • Cleveland County, Oklahoma

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Official Website Originally occupied by the Quapaw tribe, the Quapaw ceded the area to the U.S. Government soon after the Louisiana Purchase in 1818. During the late 1820s and 1830s, the area was given to the Creek and Seminole tribes after their forced removal from the southeastern United States. An agre...

  • Le Flore County, Oklahoma

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Le Flore County, Oklahoma. The Choctaw Nation signed the Treaty of Doak's Stand in 1820, ceding part of their ancestral home in the Southeastern U. S. and receiving a large tract in Indian Territory. They signed the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek in 1830, which ceded the remainder of their original homeland. Most of the remainder of ...

  • Adlercreutzin rykmentti 1803 - 1808

    Adlercreutzin rykmentti oli vuoteen 1804 saakka nimeltään Uusi jääkärirykmentti tai Suomalainen värvätty jalkaväkirykmentti. Se oli 1800-luvun alussa suurin Suomeen sijoitetuista värvätyistä joukko-osastoista; siihen kuului 13 komppaniaa ja noin 2000 miestä. Lähde: Ruotujakolaitoksen aikaiset värvätyt joukko-osastot, KA, Arkistojen portti Carl Johan Adlercreutz (1759-1815) , Wikipediassa , M...

  • Adlercreutzin rykmentti, Hartolan komppania

    projekti perustettu 9.10.2017 tl Adlercreutzin rykmentti Hartolan komppanian esittely.... Sotilaita alueelta .... Kuinka etsin sotilasta sotilasrullista ?..... Sotilaan projektiin liittäminen ja listalle lisääminen... Päällystö Päällystö GMR 1806 Päällikkö sekundmajor, riddare Karl Fredrik Toll (29.4.1805-) Stabskapitän Karl Gustav von Böhnen (25.5.1805-) Premier löjtnan...

  • Walker Family

    English (mainly North and Midlands) and Scottish: occupational name for a fuller from Middle English walker Old English wealcere (an agent derivative of wealcan ‘to walk tread’) ‘one who trampled cloth in a bath of lye or kneaded it in order to strengthen it’. This was the regular term for the occupation during the Middle Ages in western and northern England. Compare Fuller and Tucker . As a Sc...

  • Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Banks, Pike County, Alabama, USA

    Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Banks, Pike County, Alabama, USA: Antioch Missionary Baptist Church is located on the west side of Highway 223 near Banks, Pike County, Alabama. The church is located approximately .6 mile north of the intersection of Highways 29 and 223. This church was organized in 1884 according to the church cornerstone, and the building was rebuilt in 1973. T...

  • Butler Memorial Cemetery,Butler, Taylor County, Georgia, USA

    Butler Memorial Cemetery Also known as Butler Baptist Church Cemetery, Butler City Cemetery Butler, Taylor County, Georgia, USA

  • USNS John Lewis (T-AO-205)

    USNS John Lewis Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools Appearance hide Text Small Standard Large Width Standard Wide Color (beta) Automatic Light Dark From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia USNS John Lewis (T-AO-205) in 2022. History United States Name John Lewis[5] Namesake John Lewis Awarded 30 June 2016 Builder National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, San Diego, California Cost...

  • Moving from Ingria to Russia in 1600's

    Moving from Ingria to Russia in 1600's=A database project based on Professor Veijo Saloheimo's material. Finland and Karelia project =The project's work is in progress!=

  • Village Lauritsala Locality Lappee and Lappeenranta

    This is a village project of Lauritsala in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala

  • Zeevaartschool ‧ 1851-1880 ‧ Veendam

    Zeevaartschool ‧ 1851-1880 ‧ Veendam Voorlopige aantekeningen: In de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw nam, zoals in de gehele wereld, de zeilvaart af en de stoomvaart toe. Ervaring in de zeilvaart zal in Groningen vooral in de praktijk zijn opgedaan maar het Veendammer zeemanscollege zal ongetwijfeld een rol hebben gespeeld bij de oprichting van een zeevaartschool. In de lijst van ingekomen stukke...

  • Piipponen Projekti

    Sirkka Paikkala nimiartikkelissaan "Pietarin perillisiä" kertoo Piipponen - sukunimestämme olevan tietoa jo 1500 - luvun puolimaista alkaen Karjalan kannakselta ja Pohjois - Pohjanmaalta, sitten myös Pohjois - Karjalasta ja Kajaanin seudulta. Pohjois - Pohjanmaan Piipposet ovat antaneet nimensä Piippolan pitäjälle ja seudun Piipon - Piippolan kantatalolle. Sukunimen juuret juontuvat mahdollises...

  • Jewish families from Kolin, Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Kolin, Bohemia, Czech Republic. KOLIN (Czech Kolín; Ger. Kolin, in older sources Neukollin), city in central Bohemia, Czech Republic. Its Jewish community was one of the four communities known by the abbreviation Karban (Heb. קרב״ן), Kolin, Roudnice, Bumsla, Nachod), second in importance only to Prague. Town records of 1376–1401 men...

  • Üle Peipsi (Eesti)

    Kogun siia pered, kelle kohta on Saagas märge "Gdov" (eestipäraselt "Oudova") või midagi samaväärset. Osa neist on Eestisse tagasi jõudnud, kuid suure osa puhul jääbki see märge viimaseks jäljeks

  • Suomen kyläkauppiaat ja sekatavarakauppiaat

    Kyläkauppa on nimitys haja-asutusalueiden kaupoista. Tähän projektiin voi liittää kaikki kauppiaat vuoden 1.1.1921 jälkeen, jolloin Suomen kauppiaat yhdistäytyivät ja Suomen Vähittäiskauppiasliitto perustettiin. Sitä ennen toimineita maakauppiaita voi liittää projektiin Suomen maakauppiaat - Rural Store Keepers in Finland . Maakauppiaille oma järjestöKaupan alan monet epäkohdat kannustivat Maak...

4601-4625 of 72580 projects