Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Hawk Family History

    I am looking for Hawk family connections, right now I am stuck At George Christopher Hawk c.1766-1820 and wife Ruth (Reese) Hawk I have been to the Lower Richwoods Cemetery Jefferson County, Iowa many times, all my family are burred there, Darrell my dad, Maynard his dad and Esther my grandma (who did most of this legwork till she passed), then continuing up the line, I have till George Christo...

  • Anglo Boere Oorlog/Boer War (1899-1902) HARRISMITH Kamp/Camp

    HARRISMITH=====2115 PERSONS IN CAMP======120 DIED===*Camp Details*Type:white*Location:Orange River Colony*Date open:01/03/1901*Date closed:c.31/5/1902*Notes:18/5/1902: Telegram, Superintendent to CSRC: Sent 100 refugees to Natal yesterday. Remainder going during the week names Geni Profiles======Black names Not on Geni Yet======THEY LIVED======A===*Ackerman, Hermanus Christoffel (35) Arrived 24...

  • Indonesia ‧ 2012 ‧ Summer Olympics

    —2012-VII-12—13:07-am+GMT—jMu—team-members welcom to follow the games and add profiles a/o documentation f.i. by a discussing-thread.====Asian Olympic Participants= Indonesia ‧ 2012 ‧ Summer Olympics=== Indonesian OLYMPIANS ==FLAG BEARERS* 2012 ?* 2008 ‧♂‧ I Gusti Made Oka SULAKSANA ‧ Bali 29-apr 1971 ‧ sailing ‧ wiki-en ‧ * 2004 ‧♂‧ Krisna BAYU ‧ Central Java ‧ judo ‧ * 2000 ‧♂‧ Rexy Ronald MA...

  • Beskeland

    BESKELAND(gnr59)== Beskeland er en gård i Roan kommune ved foten av fjellet Ramnen - et 258 m høgt fjell mellom Hellfjorden og Beskelandsfjorden. Gården ligger på sørsida av Ramnen, på et platå litt opp fra sjøen. Halvøya mellom disse to fjordene er valdet til Beskeland. I tillegg har Beskeland litt utmark på sørsida av Beskelandsfjorden. ' Gårdsvaldet kan en rekne til om lag 3.000 mål. Av dett...

  • Kjente forfedre fra en svunnen tid!

    Tilbake i tid finnes det mange forfedre som omtales fortsatt i dag, og her er en samling av noen av de. Mine 25. tippoldefedre : (hentet fra Wickipedia) = Sveinn Håkonarson Ladejarl =957-1016Konge av Danmark og Norge Svein Håkonsson (norrønt Sveinn Hákonarson) (død ca. 1016) var sønn av Håkon Sigurdsson, Ladejarl og Norges reelle hersker fram til 995, og bror av Eirik Håkonsson som han delte re...

  • Northumberland House (Suffolk House), London, England

    Northumberland House (Suffolk House), London, England= Northumberland House (also known as Suffolk House when owned by the Earls of Suffolk) was a large Jacobean townhouse in London, which was so called because for most of its history it was the London residence of the Percy family, who were the Earls and later Dukes of Northumberland, and one of England's richest and most prominent aristocrati...

  • British Army - The East Surrey Regiment

    =====Image left - East Surrey Regiment Courtesy of cigcardpix on Flikr; Badges above from left 31st Foot (Huntingdonshire); 70th Foot (The Surrey Regiment); The East Surrey Regiment (Courtesy of British Miltary Badges ) .

  • Sølvskatten 1816 - Egersund

    Prosjektet har til hensikt å samle alle profiler for personer som er nevnt i Sølvskatten 1816 for Egersund.Kilde:

  • Sagstua

    Sagstua var en husmannsplass under Hauger gård, som idag er flyttet til Follo museum i Drøbak.Den lå i Sagdalen i nærheten av Emmerstad og Mølen. Bekken som renner ved siden av er det naturlige skille som skiller mellom landeier Hvitsten gård og Hauger gård. Denne bekken ble også nyttigjort ved bruk av flere oppgangssager når bekken sto høyt med vann. Utfra det min far Bjørn husker var plassen ...

  • Koguva kokkutulek 2012

    Üleilmne Koguva kokkutulek - Schmuulide vabaduskiri 480 aastat - 22. - 23. juunil 2012 Koguvas, Muhus == Vabaduskirja originaal Koguvas ainult 23. juunil Muhu Muuseum teatab, et ainult 23. juunil on erakordne võimalus muuseumis Koguva vabaduskirja originaali näha ...Allikas: Muhulane nr 6 05.06.2012 == Kokkutulekule registreerimist pikendati kuni 10nda juunini (10.06.2012) . Palun kiirustage re...

  • Castles of Normandy

    Normandy is divided into Upper and Lower regions. Many Castles, or Chateaus, dot the land.. The wealthy French tried to excel in design, above and beyond the ostentatious designs of each other. Most castles are owned privately. Some owners welcome occasional visits. There are plans for organized visits of the castle grounds. Some weekends have open castle doors. And, some castles/chateaus been ...

  • Metairie Cemetery

    Wikipedia Metairie Cemetery is a cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. The name has caused some people to mistakenly presume that the cemetery is located in Metairie, Louisiana; but it is located within the New Orleans city limits, on Metairie Road (and formerly on the banks of the since filled-in Bayou Metairie).HistoryThis site was previously a horse racing track, Metairie Race C...

  • Poëll genealogy

    This is a research repo and workshop pertaining to the Estonian Swedish lineages and families containing Pöhl 's, a.k.a. Poel, Poell, Poëll, Pöel, Pöell, Põell . The simple objective is to indulge in, translate and disseminate interesting parts of the paper trail — essentially attempting to lower the language barriers for family contemporaries and increasing the availability of our “stuff”. – F...

  • I/KTR16

    I Patteristo (I/KTR 16) muodostui kahdesta varusmiespatterista (1. ja 3. patteri) sekä Oulujoen reserviläisistä muodostetusta 2. patterista, jonka perustamispaikkana toimi Pateniemen kansakoulu 15. - 17. kesäkuuta 1941. Kenttätykistörykmentti 16:n eli KTR 16:n oli jatkosodan tykistöyksikkö, jonka perustivat välirauhan 11. prikaatin patteristo sekä Pohjois-Pohjanmaan sotilaslääni kesäkuussa 1941...

  • Poems Of Freedom

    Work In ProgressJamaica land we love” must not only be like singing” We shall overcome someday,” but magnified in our deeds. It is the most scared of duties for us to practice our culture, our heritage and our traditions. We must be unified as a shield as well as a force for self preservation, advancement and prosperity. As we celebrate our own self governance let it be as in the similar words ...

  • Neely Family - 1911 - Sarah Dixie Alabama Neely

    SARAH DIXIE ALABAMA NEELY 'Dixie' March 9, 1911 – January 1, 1990; 78 years old===By Dixie Lou Montgomery=== Mother talked so much about her big family. She was so proud of them. She enjoyed telling about practical jokes. One that comes to mind – she and Gladys (niece) were going to pull the hairs out of each other's big toes. First Mom put Sloans Linament on hers — and felt no pain. Gladys (wh...

  • McHardys of Quebec and Crathie Braemar, Scotland

    About 1822 Charles McHardy (born 1794 in Crathie Braemar) emigrated from Aberdeenshire to the Montreal area of Quebec.This projects seeks to document the history of his descendants in Canada and the United States, bring together living relatives, and further research into his Scottish antecedents.


    с. Бара, общ. Бара, Севлиевска околия, Търновски окр.СПРАВКИ В НАЦИОНАЛНИЯ РЕГИСТЪР НА НАСЕЛЕНИТЕ МЕСТАСправка за събитията за с. Бара, общ. Бара, Севлиевска околия, Търновски окр.Брой събития: 3№ Дата на събитие Вид събитие Документ 1 03.03.1878 наблюдавано за първи път Служебен документ за създаване на населените места 2 28.09.1949 промяна при ново административно-териториално устройство Указ...

  • Jews of Portsmouth, Virginia

    This is an umbrella project for all projects related to Jews from Portsmouth, Virginia. : Historical Overview Portsmouth, Virginia, has always lived in the shadow of Norfolk, its neighbor across the Elizabeth River. Even the shipyard that has dominated Portsmouth for two centuries is named the Norfolk Naval Shipyard to avoid confusion with the shipyard in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. And yet, Por...

  • Nu Sigma Beta

    Nu Sigma Beta Fraternity (ΝΣΒ) is a Puerto Rican fraternity. It was established in 1937 at the University of Puerto Rico by several young students from diverse backgrounds.

  • Search Ancestors

    I Chintaman Ghaisas, has a knowledge of my Grand Father, and Great Grand Father.* As far as my knowledge goes and the verbal inputs from seniors, who are not alive now, we belong to a place called NAGAON near ALIBAG, Dist Raigad of Maharashtra State.* I dont know how and why, my grand father switched over to a place called as JALGAON of Maharashtra. I reliablly learnt that Mr. Bapurao my grand ...

  • Poyais Scheme, Honduras

    Poyais: Honduras Packet sailed from London on 10 September 1822 with 70 emigrants bound for Poyais. They arrived at black River, Honduras, in November, only to discover there was no settlement there and conditions were very different than they had been led to expect. Before they could unload all their stores, a storm came up and Honduras Packet sailed off, not to return. A second emigrant ship,...

  • Watergeuzen (1566-1573)

    Mendigos del mar====The Sea Beggars, Les Gueux de mer===.Na het mislukken van de smeekschriften van het Verbond der Edelen , verbonden talrijke edelen in de noordelijke Lage Landen zich in een militaire beweging die de naam 'Watergeuzen' meekreeg. Zij werden cruciaal in het politieke verzet van Willem van Oranje tegen de Spaanse overheersing van de Lage Landen, en gaven een belangrijke doorslag...

  • Invictus - Mandela & Pienaar & the Rugby World Cup

    Invictus =Out of the night that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may beFor my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstanceI have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tearsLooms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds, and shall find, me unafraid...

  • County Clare, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

    Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards of County Clare====Republic of Ireland Image Right - The Church Ruin Killimer Cemetery The aim of this project is to gather together information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed and transcribed. Please update the project by adding links to any available monume...

55076-55100 of 72165 projects