Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Drummondville, Québec, Canada

    {en construction}=Sources=* Drummondville, PADREM

  • Migrations: Immigration into the Americas

    WORK IN PROGRESS==========< BACK =====.* Exploration * Ships* Ports of Arrival * Settlement* Colonization* Independence* Genealogical Sources

  • Talmudic Scholars of Austria (1100 - 1600)

    Great Rabbis of Medieval Austria The history of the Jews in Austria likely originates in an exodus of Jews from the Roman occupation of Israel. Proof exists of a Jewish presence in Vienna since 1194. The first named individual was Schlom, Duke Frederick I’s Münzmeister (master of the mint). The existence of a Jewish community in the area is only known for sure after the start of the 12th centur...

  • North Carolina Manumission Society (1816-1834)

    from North Carolina Manumission Society On July 19, 1816, twenty-three delegates from Quaker meetings at Centre, Carraway, Deep River, and New Garden organized the North Carolina Manumission Society at Centre Friends Meeting House in Guilford County. The delegates represented 147 members in the local societies. The antislavery organization alternated between meeting at Centre and Deep River unt...

  • Jose Gomes D Aguiar Family

    Baron Ephpraim Pereira d'Aguilar - Essiquibo Guyana....Van De Grovestins of EssiquiboThe D'Aguiar Family was in business in Guyana for over 150 years. In the 1840's Mr. Jose Gomes D'Aguiar, the founder, started a Rum Business which developed into a chain of Retail Spirit Shops. In 1885 the business was expanded to include a Cocoa and Chocolate Factory and a Schooner Shipping Agency....

  • big think art a fiuther

    this is not in yore earth, sky,ore any athero universal plays .'see' it is you are in said .take it beautiful.that is not religions?not sayings,it is a thinking art.all of you can do it.slowly, slowly.

  • Familie/Family Beetge

    Die stamvader van die Beetge's in S.A. is Johann Andreas van Hamburg, Duitsland. Hy het twee seuns gehad: Johan Andries en Willem Gerhardus (1 Des.1799 - 16 Julie 1853). Volgens inligting het Willem Gerhardus hom gaan vestig op die plaas "Jagtfontein" in distik Richmond. Hy is getroud met Anna Jacoba Viljoen, dogter van Jan Hendrik Viljoen. Hulle tweede seun is Jan Hendrik Beetge (geb. 17-02-18...

  • Ohio Gang

    Gang=The Ohio Gang (1921-1924) was a gang of politicians and industry leaders closely surrounding Warren G. Harding, the 29th President of the United States of America. Many of these individuals came into Harding's personal orbit during his tenure as a state-level politician in Ohio, hence the name.During the Harding administration, several members of the so-called Ohio Gang became involved in ...

  • Piyyutim

    Payetanim v'Piyyutim - Poets and poems =Piyyut is a liturgical Jewish poem which is usually sung, chanted or recited during religious services. Most Piyyutim (plural of Piyut) are in Hebrew or Aramaic. Piyyutim have been written since Temple times and flourished in Eretz Israel in the seventh and eighth centuries. Later in the Middle Ages, Spanish-Jewish poets composed quantities of religious p...

  • Cykle pokoleniowe

    Mariusz Kowalski =Cykle pokoleniowe w dziejach Polski i ludzkości= Europa wschodnia: od Konfederacji Barskiej do Euro-Majdanu Świat: od wojny siedmioletniej do kryzysu krymskiego Wersja PDF Antyrosyjskie powstania wybuchały w Polsce co 30-40 lat. Regularność tą można tłumaczyć pokoleniowym cyklem, trwającym ok. 35 lat. Każdą generację stać na jeden poważny zryw w walce o wolność. Według tego sc...

  • WWII - Soljani, Vrbanja

    Martin Vladisavljević (1899.-1945.)* Ilija Filipović (1912.-1945.)* Živka Lunka rođ. Galović (1909.-1944.)* Antun Kovanović (1869.-1945.)* Franjo Žaverije Vladisavljević (1868.-1945.)* Tomo Vladisavljević (1878.-1945.)* Damljan Kovanović (1878.-1945.)* Eva Bartolović (1904.-1945.)* Marko Kovanović (vođa HSS-a) (1894.-1945.)* Antun Gvozdić (1883.-1943.)* PetarPavlović (1870.-1945.)* Marijan Rogi...

  • London 2012 Paralympic Games - Team GB

    London 2012 Paralympic Games - Team GBThe ParalympicsGB team for London will be the biggest ever to represent the country, with 288 athletes selected, alongside a further 13 team members, including sighted goalkeepers, tandem riders and guide runners.See Great Britain Medals 118==Gold===33># Cycling Track - Sarah Storey - Women's Ind. C5 Pursuit ># Swimming - Jonathan Fox - Men's 100m Backstrok...

  • Samuel Powel

    1685-1884 wife abigail simpson son samue(1704-1759) m Mary Morris


    Domina viskas apie KULIONIŲ pavardę.Patyrinėjus jos geografinį išplitimą šios pavardės šaknys daugiausia sukasi Moletų raj. Mano protėviai daugiausia priklausė Suginčių parapijai.Tai mane daugiausia domina Suginčių Šv. Kryžiaus Atradimo bažnyčios gimimo metrikų ,santuokos ,mirties įrašų knygos. Yra išleistas" Molėtų dekanato bažnyčių archyvai ir bibliotekos"kompaktinis diskasMolėtų dekanato baž...

  • Hurst Castle, Hampshire, England

    Hurst Castle, Hampshire, England= Hurst Castle in Hampshire on the south coast of England is one of Henry VIII's Device Forts, built at the end of a long shingle spit at the west end of the Solent to guard the approaches to Southampton. Hurst Castle was sited at the narrow entrance to the Solent where the ebb and flow of the tides creates strong currents, putting would-be invaders at its mercy....

  • Migration Portal

    Migration Portal==This portal will function as an umbrella project for all projects on Geni related to migration Projects that can be included: * Related to emigration* Related to immigration* Emigration schemes or organised emigration.* Related to ports of arrival* Related to ports of departure ==What is migration?==Migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to anot...

  • Aubrey House, Holland Park, West London, England

    Aubrey House, Holland Park, West London, England= Aubrey House is a large 18th-century detached house with two acres of gardens in the Campden Hill area of Holland Park in west London, W8.[2] Known for a long time as Notting Hill House, it had been named Aubrey House by the 1860s, after Aubrey de Vere, who held the manor of Kensington at the time of the Domesday Book.[2] The core of the house i...

  • Taylor Family of Jamaica

    This project is to research and find out more about the Taylor and other related families originating in Jamaica, West Indies.The early migration of the Taylor family started with...== Interviews ==== Elder's Stories ==We are losing one of our most important natural resource! What is it? Its not water, air, or minerals; it is our ELDERS! Our Oldheads need to be latched unto. So, I'm proposing a...

  • Battlefields of OFS

    The Free State Battlefields ==The Anglo Boer War broke out on 11 October 1899. This war, which was the last full scale war to be fought on South Africa soil, was a turning point in the history of South Africa. It was the first of the modern wars of out time, but also the last of the gentleman's wars.The Free State Province is fortunate to have some of the remnants of those stormy years. Not onl...

  • MyHeritage LIVE 2018

    MyHeritage LIVE 2018: Lectures now online! We are excited to share that Geni will be participating in the first-ever MyHeritage user conference and you’re invited! MyHeritage LIVE will take place on the weekend of November 2-4, 2018 in Oslo, Norway. The conference is open to anyone around the world who would like to learn more about Geni and MyHeritage. The conference will feature a keynote spe...

  • Users who want Geni to move from Flash to HTML5 (Canvas, SVG, WebGL)

    This is a project for those of us who would like Geni to transition away from the old, proprietary Flash solution to modern, open standards like Canvas and SVG.Please feel free to post anything interesting on the topic, but keep everything civil. Constructive criticism is good. Belly aching and name calling is not. Please explain Who's on First. I have NO idea what you are talking about.Thank y...

  • International Genealogy Conferences

    Please feel free to add information & discussions re any genealogy conferences around the world that you are aware of.>>=2020 Genealogy Conferences=* Virtual 40th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy - Conference August 10 - 13, 2020 * >>=2019 Genealogy Conferences== Netherlands * The MyHeritage LIVE Amsterdam 2019 , September 6 - 8 2019, at the Hilton Amsterdam, Netherlands=USA* ...

  • AncestorSync for Geni

    New Beta ImminentGreat news. We'll send out an email with all the details. It will be a little rough around the edges, but I am sure you can handle that.This will be a small, very specific test for next week until the 1st of February or so. We have added a TON of new formats. We want to ensure our reading and writing is working great. So here's what we'll happen.*You will be limited to 4 genera...

55451-55475 of 72164 projects