The Hanseatic Cross (German: Hanseatenkreuz) was a military decoration of the three Hanseatic city-states of Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck, who were members of the German Empire during World War I. Each republic established its own version of the cross, but the design and award criteria were similar for each.
Irish (Tipperary Limerick and Waterford): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Meidhir ‘descendant of Meidhir’ with post-medieval excrescent -s. Meidhir is a personal name based on meidhir ‘mirth’. English (northern): variant of Myer with post-medieval excrescent -s. English (northern): habitational name from one or more of the minor placenames derived from Middle English mire ‘marsh’ (Old Norse mýrr) i...
The Military Merit Cross (Militärverdienstkreuz) was established by Friedrich Franz II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin on August 5, 1848. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, a grand duchy located in northern Germany, was a member of the German Confederation and later the German Empire. In several respects, Mecklenburg-Schwerin's Military Merit Cross was patterned after the Prussian Iron Cross. Both came...
Brooks Surname Meaning English: usually a variant of Brook with excrescent -s. The optional addition of -s with no grammatical function is usually post-medieval but some examples of the same person's name occurring with and without -(e)s have been noted as early as the 14th century in South Lancashire. The -es in such cases probably has neither a plural nor a genitival function and the name mea...
This project open to any Aerial Aces of any War these were the best of best flyers in our history. This project is open to any country. Wikipedia A flying ace, fighter ace or air ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down several enemy aircraft during aerial combat. The actual number of aerial victories required to officially qualify as an ace has varied, but is usually consider...
Biographical Dictionary of the‧Extreme‧Right — since 1890 * Philip REES ‧ x ‧ author ‧ * publishers : SIMON & SCHUSTER ‧ USA-New York ‧ English language ‧ 1990-418p. ‧ ISBN 0-13-089301-3 ‧ hardcover ‧ ==summaryThe Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890 is a reference book on leading people in the various far right movements since 1890. It contains entries for what the author re...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Stewart County, Georgia. Official Website The county was created on December 23, 1830. It was named for Daniel Stewart, a Revolutionary War veteran, and fighter against American Indians. He was one of the four great-grandfathers of U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt. Adjacent Counties Chattahoochee County Russell County, Ala...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Clay County, Georgia. Official Website This area was historically occupied by the Creek Indians until Indian Removal in the 1830s. European Americans pushed them out and developed the land for cotton, bringing in thousands of African slaves to work the land. The county is named in honor of Henry Clay, famous American statesman, me...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Henry County, Alabama. Official Website Henry County was established on December 13, 1819 by the Alabama Territorial Legislature. The area was ceded by the Creek Indian Nation in 1814 under the Treaty of Fort Jackson. From 1877 to 1950, whites lynched 13 African Americans in the county, most in the decades on either side of the tu...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Early County, Georgia. Official Website History The county area was long territory of the historic Creek Indian peoples of the Southeast, particularly along the Chattahoochee River. Beginning in the early nineteenth century, European-American settlers began to encroach on this territory, pushing the Muscogee out during Indian Remo...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Houston County, Alabama. Official Website Houston County was established on February 9, 1903 and was named after George Smith Houston, the 24th Governor of Alabama. Adjacent Counties Henry County Early County, Georgia Seminole County, Georgia Dale County Geneva County Jackson County, Florida Cities, Towns & Commun...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Russell County, Alabama. Official Wesbsite Russell County was established by an act of the state general assembly on December 18, 1832, from lands ceded to the state by the Creek Tribe. Its name is in honor of Colonel Gilbert C. Russell, who fought in the wars against the Creek. In the 1940s and 1950s, Russell County and especially...
Projekti aloitettu 23.9.2023. -rakenteilla Tyrvää-DNA-projektiin halutaan kerätä Tyrväällä asuneiden esivanhempien DNA tietoja. Tyrvää- DNA-projektiin voi liittää profiilin, jossa on DNA-tiedot isälinjan Y-DNA äitilinjan mtDNA Serkkutesti (FF) eli ns. autosomaalitesti, kokonaisperimätesti. Genissä näkyy at-tunnus Autosomal DNA Knowledge share Geni-Projekti Y-DNA Geni Index -Geni...
Siia on plaan koguda Eestiga seotud kirikutegelased ja vaimulikud alllikaid Saagas olevate koguduste ja kirikute asukohad
Everyone is invited to add their "hammering" ancestors to this project (profiles must be set to public). Project collaborators, feel free to update the project description, adding notes, documents, images, resources ... and inviting more collaborators.From Glimpses of 17th and 18th Century colonial American life There were men who earned a living at carpentry. If they lived in a port town, they...
Monisikiöraskaudella eli monikkoraskaudella tarkoitetaan raskautta, jossa raskaana oleva nainen kantaa kohdussaan useampaa kuin yhtä sikiötä kerralla, yleensä kahta sikiötä eli kaksosia. Monisikiöraskauden syntyyn vaikuttavat monet eri seikat mm. aiemmin suvussa ilmenneet monisikiöraskaudet eli perinnöllisyys, erityisesti äidin puolen suvussa. Niin sanottu Hellinin sääntö kertoo ihmisellä kak...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2020. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Kankaanpään kylät Ala-Honkajoki I Jämiänkeidas I Kankaanpää I Karhoismaja I Korvaluoma I Kyynärjärvi I Leppäruhka I Luomajärvi I Niinisalo I Taulunoja I Venesjärvi I Veneskoski I Vihteljärvi I Vihusaari I Vuorenmaa
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Bangued, Abra, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
The University of the Philippines Visayas is a public research university in the Philippines with campuses and facilities throughout the Visayas. Wikipedia
Not to be confused with Typhoid fever . For other uses, see Typhus (disambiguation)===Alternative Names:===Murine typhus; Epidemic typhus; Endemic typhus; Brill-Zinsser disease; Scrub typhus, Jail fever, spotted fever, famine fever, ship fever, el tabarillo, goal fever, and war fever, camp fever, louse-borne Typhus is any of several similar diseases caused by Rickettsia bacteria.[1] The name co...
--UNDER CONSTRUCTION-- Wethouders in de familie Dit project is bedoeld om wethouders in beeld te krijgen om ze vervolgens te kunnen plaatsen in later te ontwikkelen projectpagina's waar ze in combinatie met burgemeesters en gemeente-secretarissen de geschiedenis van gemeentebesturen belichten in genealogisch perspectief. Link dus elke wethouder in uw familie en zo mogelijk zetten we er al va...
---2015-feb-19-do-07:31+GMT-autumn-time--DM--jMVu--medewerking, aanvulling en completering welkom via document- e/o profiel-linking of discussie-bijdrage.===voorwoord, inleiding en toelichtingHoogleraar of Professor wordt je na benoeming door ... aan een der faculteiten van 'n Universiteit of Hogeschool. Met die laatste bedoelt men in Nederland meestal een van de huidige TU's, de technische uni...