This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Wanfried (Hessen), Germany. JewishGen-Wanfried (Hessen)
Гюро Начев Начевски
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of Hannoversch Münden (Hann. Münden) Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Hannoversch Münden (Hann. Münden) , Germany.
História de famílias mineiras migrantes para a região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo - do início do século XIX ao início do século XX.Da busca de terras para a criação extensiva de gado , à procura de terras para a cafeicultura.
Från 2012 har Rolf Lilja och jag försökt klargöra historiken om [ Ollestugan ] [ ] på Hammarnäset, Karlsborg. Ollestugan är den enda kvarvarande torpstugan på Hammarnäset, troligtvis i hela Svanvik. Den kan ha tillkommit redan ca 1790, men arrendatorer fanns på Hammarnäset från ca 1824. Högst sannolikt flyttade Olof Karlsson Svärd med fru och son in i Ollestugan 1855 där han bodde till sin d...
For anyone interested in adding to the family tree of Sandra Leanne Scherger (Owen), Ashley William Scherger (Cowell) and Courtney Lee Scherger
The Pike's Peak Gold Rush (later known as the Colorado Gold Rush) was the boom in gold prospecting and mining in the Pike's Peak Country of western Kansas Territory and southwestern Nebraska Territory of the United States that began in July 1858 and lasted until roughly the creation of the Colorado Territory on February 28, 1861. An estimated 100,000 gold seekers took part in one of the greates...