This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Strakonitz (Strakonicich) in Bohemia, Czech Republic
Samle og verifisere alle kjente kilder relatert til DEDEKAM
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Elsoff (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Germany. Please refer also to Bad Berleburg. JewishGen-Elsoff (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Brucefield Cemetery [ ]
Shanks Cemetery
The Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Legislature is the territorial legislature of the U.S. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The legislative branch of the territory is bicameral, consisting of a 20-member lower House of Representatives, and an upper house Senate with nine Senators. Representatives serve two-year terms and Senators serve four-year terms, both without term limit...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Odenbach (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. JewishGen-Odenbach (Rheinland-Pfalz)
(=) Volt egy "nulladik" aradi vértanú is Auffenberg > Ormay Norbert ARADI VÉRTANÚINK Összeállította RÉTHY ENDRE és TAKÁCS LÁSZLÓ Rajzolta és a képeket válogatta TAKÁCS LÁSZLÓ 1849. október 6-án - szándékosan a bécsi forradalom és Latour halálának első évfordulóján - Aradon kivégeztek 13 honvédtisztet. Négyüket a 25. császári és királyi gyalogezred 2. zászlóaljából alakí...
List of the "fallen" in world war I - natives of the Northern Territory Australia===Resources* Australian War Memorial (work in progress) This project is included in The History Link Project - Trace your ancesters! you can add projects here
Dette prosjektet handler om gården Svedal (Svidal, Svedahl....) i Jølster, Norge. Profiler er de som er funnet i folketellinger og kirkebøker som kan kobles til gården. Manntallet 1701 - scannet Folketellingen 1801 - Svedahl Folketellingen 1825 - Svidal Folketellingen 1835 - Svidal Folketellingene 1865-1910 bruker navnet Svidal - det er nå en serie Svidal-gårder.
The Aim of this Project, is to Re Unite, Lost Medals with familys of their loved ones
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Niepołomice, Poland also known as Nieplomitza. Gesher Galicia-Niepołomice
This is what I have come up with so far. It links to the Schnorf and anchors out the line. It is work based on professors, attorney's and doctors. I am a direct descendant of Thomas Franklin McKean, which up until the present was believed not to have a child.
This project is for families in the Lutheran parishes of Wyszogrod and Ilow in Poland. This is a subproject for the Vistula Deutcsh Project. A link to the Vistula Deutcsh Project is here -
Here's a link to the Craik surname page:
Sub branch of R-S691See for ongoing progress.