Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • family

    give your family a hug

  • Satzger Family

    Ergründung der Vorfahren meiner familie. Search for our ancestors.

  • Project England

    To Trace The davidson Family Back to England, Maybe even find Loyalist or patriot's!

  • Folkusházy Family

    Folkusházy család

  • Gawera Family

    The Gawera family that migrated to UK from India in the 1960s

  • Thad Dymkowski

    Looking for relatives of Jan or John Dymkowski. Poland born, but lived and settled in Connecticut... according to birth record of his son, John, he was married to a Caroline or Karolina. Place of birth for Jan and Karolina is noted as Russia (Poland). There is also a tie to a Leo Dymkowski, and Annie Dymkowski, and a Sophie Dymkowski, all from Connecticut.

  • South Africa - Durban

    Before & After

  • Cherish the tree

    I have been given at least two dozen pages of notes, scraps and napkins from my father and my aunt doreen. I pledge to enter all of this data by the end of the year. If I don't do it by then I will come back and edit this paragraph and no one will be the wiser.

  • Arias Carvajal

    La familia de José María Arias Carvajal (1844-1940), oriunda de Sonsón (Antioquia), fue una de las familias fundadoras de Circasia y Montenegro (Quindío). Su esposa se llamaba Aureliana Arias. De su matrimonio hubo 11 hijos, siendo uno de ellos Juan de la Cruz Arias Arias, padre de Ermilda Arias Rodriguez. Los hermanos de José María –Javier, Jesús, Marcos, Gregorio y Alejandro- fueron también c...

  • Limonchik Family

    click here for the family project

  • ציטרון Zitron Family

    click here for the family project

  • Citronowicz Family

    click here for the family project

  • Citrinic Family

    click here for the family project

  • Citreon Family

    click here for the family project

  • Citrin Family

    click here for the family project

  • John Weiry Rudisill

    John Weiry Rudisill (1823-1885) married Martha Ann Rebecca Pournelle on 14 December 1847 in Washington County, Georgia. He served as a Georgia state legislator. He was also an educator, having established the Mount Zion Academy, which may have also been called the Washington County Male Academy, for which he was the superintendent in December 1853. He was listed as the principal of this school ...

  • Martha R. Ryan

    Martha is MOTHER of Yvonne, Mildred, John, LeRoy, Jr., Iola, and Eleanora !! Not Step-mother!

71001-71025 of 72035 projects