Based on a photo taken between 1910 and 1912 in Raccoon, IL.
Researching the linage of Frances Evelyn Crowell born 1916 in Tennessee USA and died in 1983 Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. I am doing the research for my sister-in-law Laurel Lee (Tammy) Rolfe. The Crowell is on her mother side of family.
This project is intended to build the correct lineage.
Giving attention to all the energy sources and alternatives all over the globe.
Testataan, ku en ymmärrä!
Prosjektet har som formål å samle alle profiler som er nevnt i ruller av sjøetaten 1734 for Egersund og Valle skipreider.
Prosjektet har som formål å samle alle profiler som er nevnt i militærruller av 1700 for Egersund og Valle skipreider.
Anvaya Cove is Ayala Land Premier’s first venture in leisure development. Its unique “mountains meet the sea” topography gives it the features of both a mountain retreat and a seaside resort.
Президент України Віктор Федорович Янукович (двічі судимий) різними провокаціями проливав кров мирних демонстрантів-громадян україни. Провокації проводили так звані Тітушки- працівники міліції і Служби Безпеки України. А також спецпідрозділ Беркут який зачистив Майдан в столиці Київ. Загинуло 6 мирних демонстрантів. Побитих-потерпілих пов'язали і судимість приписали за хуліганство. Студенти кри...
Prosjektet har som formål å samle alle profiler som er nevnt i Ekstraskatten for Egersund prestegjeld 1772.
Help bietjie om ontbrekende inligting in te vul.....
This is spelled right so we can give erin and katie a complete family history
This is my stepfather's family. They are mostly from Italy, specifically Sicily, and came to the US.
Trying to set up a project that might allow us to collaborate better.
Ziv ancestors can be found on jew geneology. Com. One clan lived in the sialuni district, another in vilnius. Towns such as uzventis, luoke, argiola have many ziv decsendants. Emigrated to usa, israel and south africa.
Přehled nositelů jména Ansorge (Ansorgová Ansorgeová)
This is a sub-project of the Child Emigration - Britain to Canada.This one is for the children that were travelling to various destinations without a party.On the whole the profiles linked to this project do not have any information about the parents, what they did in Canada or exact dates of birth. What they do have is a source document showing their immigration to Canada. Because of the numbe...