Please add those who were born, lived or died in Selma, Alabama. Selma is a city in and the county seat of Dallas County, in the Black Belt region of south central Alabama and extending to the west. Located on the banks of the Alabama River, the city has a population of 17,971 as of the 2020 census. About 80% of the population is black. Selma was a trading center and market town during the an...
Lorenzo Harrison Memorial Gardens Also known as East Selma Cemetery, Elmwood Cemetery Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, USA Contact the City of Selma Department of Cemeteries Elmwood Cemetery was established in 1854 when the City of Selma purchased a large section of land on the east side of town. At first it was known as East Selma Graveyard. Part of the cemetery property is on the previou...
Dallas County was created by the Alabama territorial legislature on February 9, 1818, from Montgomery County. This was a portion of the Creek cession of lands to the US government of August 9, 1814. The Creek were known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast. The county was named for Alexander James Dallas , US Secretary of the Treasury.. The county is traversed by the Alabama Ri...
Lady Julianna - departed 29 July 1789 arrived 3 June 1790. Master Thomas EDGAR, 35 crew, 226 female convicts boarded (222 arrived)A* ABORROW Ann Ann Aborrow [Convict "Lady Julianna" "Scarborough" 1790] ABRAHAMS Roseanna Roseanna Juliana Nichols ACTON Sarah Sarah Acton [Convict "Lady Julianna" 1790] * ALLEY Richard Dr Richard Alley ANDERSON Elizabeth Elizabeth (Anderson) Blundell - Carroll [Conv...
Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery is located in Owings Mills, Maryland. Find a Grave
This is a sub project of Maryland counties, cities and towns Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Baltimore County, Maryland. Official Website Baltimore County does not include the city of Baltimore. The city became independent in 1851. All profiles of those born in the city of Baltimore after 1851 will be taken out of this project to protect integrity. If you have a p...
This project is part of the State of Maryland Portal. = About the Project Please use this project to add, research, document, and discuss your ancestors from Maryland. You can add profiles for: People born in Maryland People who lived in Maryland People who died in Maryland When you find helpful resources for research, please share them here so that others can benefit. If y...
Polish Coffee Corner ☕ This is a place to meet and greet other Geni-users with a mutual interest in working on Polish profiles. Feel free to add Polish sources and interesting genealogical aspects. Although Polish can be used in the discussion lines, on this page, we prefer English for better cooperation and collaboration. List of Projects Related to Polish Dynasties or Certain Surnames: —A—...
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
Update: I visited several of these towns in June 2012. I'll add photographs to the project, but for the most part, I could not learn anything from the cemeteries. Either they were destroyed, or impassable, or the stones were mostly illegible. This project will look at marriages from the late 18th century to the early 20th century between various families residing in the Suwalki District of wha...
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions". Niedre Surname
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions". Vaivada Surname Wojewoda Surname
This project is a beginning introduction study of knights in genealogy. The mission is to help form a foundation of such membership and understanding of the family lines source for below: A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood...
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions". Servutas Surname
Russian Coffee Corner is a point to give people who do not understand the Russian language, meet & greet & work with others searching for Russian ancestors. Please read the rules of conduct and collaboration on GENI Please join this project and share helpful information, such as internet sites and archive resources, and participate in discussions on this project. Please take a look at some ...
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
Joseph Halstead is the process of starting a business, a startup company or other organization. The entrepreneur develops a business plan, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure.[1] Entrepreneurship operates within an entrepreneurship ecosystem.Etymology and historical usageFirst used in 1723, today the term entrepreneur implies qual...
Григорий Никанорович Торопов (ок. 1860 - не ранее 1915), священник, настоятель Димитриевского храма села Дубынского, клирик Тобольской епархии Семейное дерево Тороповых в MyHeritage {{}}
The project aims to collect all information about the family in one place. We invite you to cooperate and share helpful information for research. Please share your comments in the guestbook "discussions".
The Bugle, Horns, Drums, Fifes and Bagpipes etc. All announcing the coming of the imminent thunder on the field of battle. To coordinate and intimidate to inspire and sound retreat. Some where trained soldiers others but boys. This project is to represent those whose duty it was to perform such a task while being fired upon. .