Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Eastern Kentucky University

    Central University was founded in 1874 on the present site of Eastern Kentucky University. In 1901, beset with financial difficulties and small enrollment, Central University agreed to consolidation with Centre College. The Kentucky General Assembly of 1906 enacted legislation establishing the Eastern Kentucky State Normal School No. 1. The legislation was signed into law by the governor on Mar...

  • University of Kentucky

    Wikipedia The University of Kentucky (abbrev. UK) is a public co-educational university in Lexington, Kentucky. Founded in 1865 by Isaiah Giles as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, the university is one of the state's two land-grant universities (the other being Kentucky State University), the largest college or university in the state, with 29,385 students as of Fall 2013,...

  • La Salle Extension University

    La Salle Extension University (LSEU), also styled as LaSalle Extension University, was a nationally accredited private university based in Chicago, Illinois. Although the school offered resident educational programs in classes and seminars their primary mode of delivery was by way of distance learning. LSEU was in operation from 1908 until 1982.

  • Talo Poutanen, Maironiemi 1, Parikkala/Saari

    Poutasen taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 5.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Maironiemi, Parikkala/Saari Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Maironiemen talot 1 Poutanen 2 Valkiapää 3 Röksä

  • Zeevaartschool Delfzijl - A t/m X

    Zeevaartschool Abel Tasman ‧ sinds 1856 ‧ Delfzijl . . . . ALFABETISCHE RANGLIJST ALUMNI met Diploma-jaar . . ——A—— 1928 : Daniel Jacobus ALBRECHT ‧ 1909-x ‧ 1929 : Pieter Frederik ALBRECHT ‧ 1910-1993 ‧ 1946 : J. ALDERS ‧ 192x ‧ 1953 : H. ALEXANDER ‧ 193x ‧ 1948 : J.P. ALGRA ‧ 193x ‧ 1934 : A.L. van ALPHEN ‧ 192x ‧ Bandoeng 1948 : J.J. ALSEMA ‧ 193x ‧ 1956 : W. van ALTENA...

  • Radcliffe College

    Wikipedia Radcliffe College was a women's liberal arts college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and functioned as a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard College. It was also one of the Seven Sisters colleges, among which it shared with Bryn Mawr College the popular reputation of having a particularly intellectual and independent-minded student body. Radcliffe conferred Radcliffe C...

  • Global Prominent Goans in STEM

    This is a project to compile all Goans (includes Luso-Goans & Goan origin individuals) who contributed globally to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). These individuals have added value and contributed towards knowledge, discoveries, inventions, developments and a foundation towards other STEM contributions. Their contributions can be found in Patents, Journals, Conferences, ...

  • Nobre Chardós de Gôa / Noble Chardos of Goa

    Goa Kshatriyas: Noble Chardos of Goa Gentiles: Nobre Chardós: Kshatriyas , Cxatriyas The Goan Kshatriyas (Nobre Chardós) descended from Monarchy, Kings, Rulers, Aristocracy and Warriors. They governed kingdoms, dynasties and are responsible for creating administered cities in the by-gone era. This is a project to compile the profiles for gentiles: Kshatriya ancestors and descendants of Goa...

  • Prominent Individuals of Goan Origin

    Prominent Individuals of Goa. =The mere mention of Goa evokes visions of sun, sea and sand. However, one should not forget its delicious cuisine, ubiquitous Feni with sorpotel and more importantly its extremely fun loving but mostly talented people who originate from varied ethnicities and proudly call themselves GOAN . The history of Goa (Velha Goa and Novas Conquistas) goes back to time memor...

  • Locality Saari, Finland

    Saari locality project =Genealogy project for Saari and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project". == Saari...

  • Multiple Multiples

    This project is of twins and multiples who are a part of one family unit that has more than one set of twins/multiples. This means both or at least one of the parents have had twins or multiples at least two times. The Royal College of Midwives estimated that the odds of consecutive sets of twins were more than 700,000-to-one, noting that it is more common when multiple pregnancies are se...

  • Rabbis and students of Yeshivas Toras Emes (Schneider's) - (Frankfurt, Germany then London, England)

    Yeshivas Toras Emes (Schneider's) Yeshivas Toras Emes ("Schneider's Yeshiva") was a Lithuanian style yeshiva in London. The founder and head of the yeshiva was Rabbi Moshe Schneider - Rosh Yeshiva Toras Emes, London . The yeshiva was originally located in Memel and Frankfurt. History In 1902, Rabbi Schneider (with the assitance of Rabbi Moshe Eliyahu Rogosnitzky, ABD Memel, Heidelberg, Leipzi...

  • University of Louisville

    Wikipedia The University of Louisville (UofL) is a public university in Louisville, Kentucky, a member of the Kentucky state university system. When founded in 1798, it was the first city-owned public university in the United States and one of the first universities chartered west of the Allegheny Mountains. The university is mandated by the Kentucky General Assembly to be a "Preeminent Metro...

  • Centre College

    Wikipedia =Centre College is a private liberal arts college located in Danville, Kentucky, a community of approximately 16,000 in Boyle County, about 35 miles south of Lexington, Kentucky. Centre is an undergraduate four-year institution with an enrollment of approximately 1,375 students. Centre was founded by Presbyterian leaders, with whom it maintains a loose affiliation, and officially char...

  • Gulf War

    Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war - in the Persian Gulf region - waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq in...

  • Nobres Goesas / Noble Goans

    Nobres Goesas / Noble Goans MD to MCMX This project complies people from the Portuguese Kingdom and its Empire who were classified as Noble Goans, bestowed with various titles. These people were from diverse origins and ancestries. Numerous people of the 21st century Goa are descended from these Noble Goans, if not all. This serves as a catalogue to help find your ancestry, the diversity of ...

  • Goan Genealogy Contributors (Geni)

    Goan Genealogy Contributors Goan Ancestry Goans are proud of their diverse ancestry and complicated as it gets, the good news is that they are one of the best recorded populations in the subcontinent. There are numerous people from around the globe who have contributed on Geni. Due to this collective effort, the documented records have now been visually translated here into branches of gra...

  • Root Ancestor of Goan, Luso-Goan Population

    Root Ancestor Goans & Luso-Goans in the 21st century are a product of various migrations, recorded travels, exploration adventures, discoveries & conquering expeditions, etc.... Goans & Luso-Goans are uniquely identified people from Goa, an area located in the South-Western subcontinent of Asia. Today Goa is a tiny state of the newly formed Republic of India (1947) and many don't even know...

  • University of Rochester

    University of Rochester (commonly referred to as U of R or UR) is a private, nonsectarian, research university in Rochester, New York.[6] The university grants undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral and professional degrees. The university has six schools and various interdisciplinary programs.The University of Rochester is particularly noted for its Eastman School of Music. The...

  • Micajah Peyton Sr. and His Descendants.

    Following the descendants of MicaJah Peyton Sr. ( Micajah Peyton )

  • Floyd County, Indiana

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Floyd County, Indiana. Official Website History Floyd County, originally the Shawnee Indians hunting ground, was conquered for the United States by George Rogers Clark during the American Revolutionary War from the British. He was awarded large tracts of land in Indiana, including almost all of present-day Floyd County. Clark sold...

  • Clark County, Indiana

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Clark County, Indiana. Official Website Clark County lies on the north bank of the Ohio River. A significant gateway to the state of Indiana, Clark County's settlement began in 1783. The state of Virginia rewarded General George Rogers Clark and his regiment for their victorious capture of Forts Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Vincennes fro...

  • Genealogia das famílias da província de Bardes / Genealogy of families of the province of Bardez

    Familias da Provincia de Bardes = Genealogia das famílias da província de Bardês / Genealogy of families of the province of Bardez =Bardez is delimited on the north by the Chapora River, on the south by the Mandovi River, on the east by the Mapusa River which originates in Bardez itself, near the capital city of Mapusa, and on the west by the Arabian Sea. A native of Bardez is called a Bardezca...

  • Genealogia das famílias da Cidade de Gôa / Genealogy of families of the City of Gôa

    Familias da Cidade de Goa Genealogia das famílias da Cidade de Gôa / Genealogy of families of the City of Goa Cidade de Gôa also called as ilhas de Gôa or Tiswadi. The present capital of Goa: Panajim, lies on this island. Tiswadi is also where the city of Old Goa (Velha Gôa), a World Heritage Site, was established. Places belonging to ilhas are: Agaçaim, Batim, Curcá, Mercês, Panjim, Mandur,...

  • Ancestors of Goans from Islamic Rulers

    Islamic Ancestors of Goa Gentiles: Islamic Gentiles This is a project to compile the profiles for gentiles: Goan Islamic origin ancestors and descendants. Many Goan Islamic ruler descendants are Roman catholic by faith in the 21st century (Only their ancestors who were Islamic Rulers/origins will be compiled here) and all the ancestors of Goan descendants that continue to practice their ori...

2376-2400 of 74878 projects