Adams is a common surname of English and Scottish origin, meaning "son of the soil (Adama)". Variations include Addams, McAdam and MacAdam.
The surname Adams is of English origin and is associated with nobility and aristocracy. The name Adams is derived from the English word ‘Adam’, which means ‘man’. The Adams family is linked to medieval England and has strong ties to English royalty. Over the years, they have produced many prominent members of society, including some U.S. Presidents. The Adams surname is also associated with literature, music, and science. In Colombia, the Adams surname is connected to the family from the city of Medellín, with roots dating back to the colonial era. The Medellín Adams family has contributed significantly to Colombian society, including notable politicians and entrepreneurs. The first individual with the Adams surname in Colombia was Carlos Alberto Adams, who served as the President of Colombia between 1982 and 1986.