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Aga Genealogy and Aga Family History Information

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  • Angelita Aga-In Bacosa (1832 - 1900)
  • Fausta Aga-in (deceased)
  • Prince Hussain Aga Khan
    English Prince Hussain Aga Khan is the third child and second son of Aga Khan IV and his first wife, Sarah Croker-Poole.
  • Joan Yarde-Buller (1908 - 1997)
    Hon. Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller (1908-1997) was an English socialite, one of the Bright Young Things. Wikipedia EN
  • Princess Salwa Aga Khan
    Wikipedia: English Princess Salwa Aga Khan, previously Kendra Spears, is the wife of Prince Rahim Aga Khan and an American fashion model.

About the Aga surname

Aga is listed on the Sumerian King List as the last king in the first Dynasty of Kish.

Aga is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh as having besieged Uruk. He appears also in the earlier Sumerian text of Bilgames and Akka, where he is referred to as Akka.[1] The Gilgamesh epic, the Sumerian king list, and the Tummal Chronicle[2] all call him the son of En-me-barage-si, a king who has been verified through archaeological inscription, leading to theories that Gilgamesh was also historical.

Other Reference==

1518 (10 May) Nasuh Aga informed Selman Reis that in compliance with an imperial command, he should depart for Istanbul: the government, desirous to use the famous seaman’s expertise,

Other reference

: Suleiman Aga, was an Ottoman Empire ambassador to the French king Louis XIV in 1669. Suleiman visited Versailles, but only wore a simple wool coat and refused to bow to Louis XIV. Louis XIV immediately banned him to Paris, away from Versailles.In Paris, Suleiman set up a beautiful house where he offered coffee drinking to the Parisian society, with waiters dressed in Ottoman style, triggering enthusiastic responses thereby starting the fashion for coffee-drinking]

Other Reference:


1792 Ibrahim Aga Governor of Aleppo (Syria)