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Aherne Genealogy and Aherne Family History Information

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  • Caroline Aherne (1963 - 2016)
    Mary Aherne (24 December 1963 – 2 July 2016) was an English comedian and BAFTA-winning writer and actress, best known for performing as the acerbic chat show host Mrs Merton, various roles in the The F...
  • Joan Fontaine (1917 - 2013)
    Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland was known professionally as Joan Fontaine British American actress Joan Fontaine was one of the last surviving leading ladies from Hollywood of the 1930s and the only thes...
  • John Aherne (b. - 1802)
  • Mary Ann Aherne, Convict “Minstrel” 1812 (c.1791 - 1838)
    The parents of Mary Ann Aherne, Convict “Minstrel” 1812 are currently unsourced The following have been suggested as possible parents Set 1 father - Charles Abbey mother - Mary Ann Storey Se...

About the Aherne surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Aherne surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Aherne surname.

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