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Arrowsmith Genealogy and Arrowsmith Family History Information

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  • Grace Arrowsmith (aft.1627 - aft.1710)
    Grace’s birthplace, maiden name, and birth date are unknown. An estimate from her children's ages suggests she was born about 1640 and married to John Ashton by 1659.[1] She died after 1710 of Washingt...
  • Arrowsmith (deceased)
  • ... Arrowsmith (deceased)
  • ? Arrowsmith (deceased)
  • ? Arrowsmith (deceased)

About the Arrowsmith surname

My name is David Griffiths Parry.

My father William John Parry was born 1925 Liverpool. His mother Elizabeth Parry (nee Jackson) was born in 1903 Liverpool. Her mother Eliza Jackson (Nee Griffiths) was born 1871 Liverpool. Her father Richard Griffiths was born 1823 Tarvin Cheshire. Richards father, Samuel Griffiths was christened 24/8/1783 Stoak Cheshire.

Samuel Griffiths wed Margaret Crewe at St Oswalds Church, Chester, Cheshire 31/1/1803. Margaret Crewe was christened 25/4/1784 Nantwich Cheshire. Margarets parents were Richard Crewe and Deborah Arrowsmith and they wed in Bunbury Cheshire 28/12/1765.

Deborah's parents were John Arrowsmith and Deborah (nee Trelfa) they wed 1734(?) Bunbury Cheshire. Johns father was Symon Arrowsmith, b 1667 Beeston.

And the story goes back to John Arrowsmith , b 1484, who wed Johanna (?) in Bunbury in the early sixteenth century.