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Baillie Genealogy and Baillie Family History Information

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  • Agnes Cherrie Clark (1854 - 1933)
    Four members of one family all drowned in the Whau River on October 19, 1893. It was Crawford Baillie who had the unenviable task of identifying each of his loved ones as the sea gave up their bodies o...
  • Alexander Baillie of Dunain and Sheuglie (b. - 1472)
    Alexander Baillie of Dunain Alexander Baillie of Dunain was the son of Sir William Baillie, 4th of Lamington and his wife Catherine Hamilton . He married Catherine Grant, daughter of Sir William Grant ...
  • Alexander Baillie, 9th of Dunain (1645 - 1679)
    Alexander, Son of William Baillie and Isobel “Elizabeth” Forbes Alexander Baillie, Ninth of Dunain and Jane McKenzie had: — 1. William Baillie, married first Mary, daughter of Provost William Duff, ma...
  • Ann Baillie (1833 - 1893)
    Four members of one family all drowned in the Whau River on October 19, 1893. It was Crawford Baillie who had the unenviable task of identifying each of his loved ones as the sea gave up their bodies o...
  • Anna Baillie (b. - 1741)
    ANNA BAILLIE (aka ANNA BAILIE or ANN BAILZIE)===Death=== Anna Baillie died before 13 April 1741, the date upon which she was buried at Dalziel parish in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Her death record reads as...

About the Baillie surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Baillie surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Baillie surname.

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