Some Bank families may be descended from Bank ,ruler of Trannsylvania,with the title Rabanban
in the 4th century BC ,who may well be identical with the founder,according to local tradition ,
of the town of Nagybánya ,called Nek-Baan Azhe-Dara .
The title of these kings may derive from the expression in the language of Tibet ,where Rab-Amban
would mean Great Lieutenant ,or could also correspond ,in the form Rabonban,also attested ,
to the name or title of some rulers of Sicambria in Pannonia and later of Franconia ,that was Brabon
( Ban-Rabon ) .
Some Siculians of Transsyvania namely may be of Sicambrian origin ,as Sic-Amber could be
interpreted in the langauge of Pannonia Chair-Person ,which would refer to the administrative or
tribal units called Seek ,that is Chair ,they lived in in Transsylvania .
Sicambria is what is now called Budavár .
Otherwise,a Sikelos was the grandson of Odysseys ,from the family of Poseidón ,who was called
Loki by Scandinavians .
The latter ,originally from Troia in Türkheim ,may also be Pannonian emigrants .
Loki's wife was according to them Sigyn ,after whom Sigyn people in antique Pannonia may be named ,
so they may be the precursors of Sikelians.Odysseys / Ulixes ( U-Lik's) ,might also have ruled in the
city of Lixos ,and may be the forefather of Liksiu people in Northern America too .
It is said that a certain Halab Irnak ,the ruler before Bank ,was the first who moved to Dakia Alpestrina .
His name ,as Hal(h)ab'-Ir-Nak(h') would correspond to the Aigyptian name of Nectanebos ,Pharaon of
Aigypt until about 343 BC ,which was Nakha-Ta-Halhaba-Ta ,or something similar .
He ,or his successor ,may be identical with Nectanebos ,father of Alexander of Makedonia,or they
might even be identical .
Indeed ,some have detected in the Siculian runas Aigyptian symbols .
Nectan-Ebo was called in Alba of Scotia he was king of until about 333 ,that is 732 according to the
Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,Nechtan ,son of a Dargart .
The latter may derive from Dara-Kart ,and may refer to the same Dareios ,after whom Nek-Baan is
called Azhe-Dara .
The majority of the people of Kartli namely,the Georgians,included inhabitants of Kolkhis ,believed to
be of Aigyptian origin,appear to be descended from A-Zhe-Reg-Ha ,son of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,
one of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the American Indians ,generic ancestor of Daha
peoples .
So Dara-Kart is in this sense the synonym of Azhe-Dara.
One of the Zhe tribes ,descended from A-Zhe-Reg-Ha ,lived in the capital of the Holy Land of America ,
Hierosalém ,somewhere at the sources of Orinoco .
They were the sons of A-War-Gaya-'Ala ,after whom Georgia-Alania may be named : Gaya-A-War-Reg-'Ala .
Ibérians of the Caucas emigrated from Hierosalém,according to the chronicles .
An alternative spelling of Nectanebo's name was Natan-Abo ,what suiggests that his name in the Synagogue
might well have been NTN 'BRHM ,nicknamed Aba .
Traditionally NTN is substituted in civil life with Ferdinand ,nicknamed Nandi ,so Nectanebo may also be i
dentical with Nanda ,king of India ,the Gupta kingdom ,beside Aigypt ,until about 329 BC .
There his father is called Mahá-Nandin ( Mahán-Andin ) ,who may be identical with Nectanebo's father in
Aigyptian ,Che-Hapa-ya-Ma-Wa ,because Mahán was the people of the Corean kingdom of Paeg-Che ,
where the inhabitants of the Chilean Andes called P'eguan-Che may originate ,and they are considered
Mapuche ,who are named after the aforesaid Ma-Hapa-Wa-Che .
Mahán-Andin thus would mean Andean Peguanche .
Their living in Chile may be the reason of Halab Irnak's being called son of Athila ,because the latter name
may stem from Ad-Tshile and thus may refer to Che-Hapa-ya-Ma-Wa ,the M'hapuche ancestor .
Bank was succeeded by Apa ,as Rabanban of Dakia ,who may be identical with Nectanebo's son ,
Alexander ,and he by Uopour ,the second Alexander ,son of Alexander from Kleophis,queen of India .
Furthe Rabanbans were Düdo-Reküni ,called Roca Didu in Cuzco,then Nypapharis ,likely Niképhor
Epiphan,king of Syria ,and then Trokhinos ( T'-Rok'-Shin) ,that is Sintche Roca / Sinatruk of Perú and Parthyaia .
And so on .
So the kingdom of Dakia in Transsylvania might have been founded by Nectanebos,Pharaon of Aigypt,
or by his father ,where he was called Bank ,that is Baan-Nek ,or Nekbaan ,son of a Dareios ,
king of the Caucasian Ibéria ,in the 4th century BC .
See Bánk,Bánki,Bánky,Augstein,Augenstein,Bulgari,Ajtay,Kano,Alexander,Kenderesy,Gyulay,Cselőtei,Czafik,
Apor,Csíkszentmihályi,Rajput,Dakota and others !
Balázs Déri