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  • Bert Bank (1914 - 2009)
    Bertram Bank was an American politician, war hero and radio pioneer who was best known as the founder of the Alabama Football Radio Network. He was also the founder of two Tuscaloosa, Alabama radio sta...
  • Catharina van der Bank (c.1699 - d.)
  • Chaje Bank (1892 - aft.1938)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Bank, Chaje geb. Atzig geboren am 06. April 1892 in Kaunas (Kowno)/Russland wohnhaft in Berlin ABSCHIEBUNG NACH POLEN 28.10.1938 Bentschen (Zb...
  • Diederik van der Bank, b3 (bef.1722 - 1777)

About the Bank surname

Some Bank families may be descended from Bank ,ruler of Trannsylvania,with the title Rabanban
in the 4th century BC ,who may well be identical with the founder,according to local tradition ,
of the town of Nagybánya ,called Nek-Baan Azhe-Dara .

The title of these kings may derive from the expression in the language of Tibet ,where Rab-Amban
would mean Great Lieutenant ,or could also correspond ,in the form Rabonban,also attested ,
to the name or title of some rulers of Sicambria in Pannonia and later of Franconia ,that was Brabon
( Ban-Rabon ) .
Some Siculians of Transsyvania namely may be of Sicambrian origin ,as Sic-Amber could be
interpreted in the langauge of Pannonia Chair-Person ,which would refer to the administrative or
tribal units called Seek ,that is Chair ,they lived in in Transsylvania .
Sicambria is what is now called Budavár .
Otherwise,a Sikelos was the grandson of Odysseys ,from the family of Poseidón ,who was called
Loki by Scandinavians .
The latter ,originally from Troia in Türkheim ,may also be Pannonian emigrants .
Loki's wife was according to them Sigyn ,after whom Sigyn people in antique Pannonia may be named ,
so they may be the precursors of Sikelians.Odysseys / Ulixes ( U-Lik's) ,might also have ruled in the
city of Lixos ,and may be the forefather of Liksiu people in Northern America too .

It is said that a certain Halab Irnak ,the ruler before Bank ,was the first who moved to Dakia Alpestrina .
His name ,as Hal(h)ab'-Ir-Nak(h') would correspond to the Aigyptian name of Nectanebos ,Pharaon of
Aigypt until about 343 BC ,which was Nakha-Ta-Halhaba-Ta ,or something similar .
He ,or his successor ,may be identical with Nectanebos ,father of Alexander of Makedonia,or they
might even be identical .
Indeed ,some have detected in the Siculian runas Aigyptian symbols .

Nectan-Ebo was called in Alba of Scotia he was king of until about 333 ,that is 732 according to the
Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,Nechtan ,son of a Dargart .
The latter may derive from Dara-Kart ,and may refer to the same Dareios ,after whom Nek-Baan is
called Azhe-Dara .
The majority of the people of Kartli namely,the Georgians,included inhabitants of Kolkhis ,believed to
be of Aigyptian origin,appear to be descended from A-Zhe-Reg-Ha ,son of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,
one of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the American Indians ,generic ancestor of Daha
peoples .
So Dara-Kart is in this sense the synonym of Azhe-Dara.

One of the Zhe tribes ,descended from A-Zhe-Reg-Ha ,lived in the capital of the Holy Land of America ,
Hierosalém ,somewhere at the sources of Orinoco .
They were the sons of A-War-Gaya-'Ala ,after whom Georgia-Alania may be named : Gaya-A-War-Reg-'Ala .
Ibérians of the Caucas emigrated from Hierosalém,according to the chronicles .

An alternative spelling of Nectanebo's name was Natan-Abo ,what suiggests that his name in the Synagogue
might well have been NTN 'BRHM ,nicknamed Aba .
Traditionally NTN is substituted in civil life with Ferdinand ,nicknamed Nandi ,so Nectanebo may also be i
dentical with Nanda ,king of India ,the Gupta kingdom ,beside Aigypt ,until about 329 BC .
There his father is called Mahá-Nandin ( Mahán-Andin ) ,who may be identical with Nectanebo's father in
Aigyptian ,Che-Hapa-ya-Ma-Wa ,because Mahán was the people of the Corean kingdom of Paeg-Che ,
where the inhabitants of the Chilean Andes called P'eguan-Che may originate ,and they are considered
Mapuche ,who are named after the aforesaid Ma-Hapa-Wa-Che .
Mahán-Andin thus would mean Andean Peguanche .

Their living in Chile may be the reason of Halab Irnak's being called son of Athila ,because the latter name
may stem from Ad-Tshile and thus may refer to Che-Hapa-ya-Ma-Wa ,the M'hapuche ancestor .

Bank was succeeded by Apa ,as Rabanban of Dakia ,who may be identical with Nectanebo's son ,
Alexander ,and he by Uopour ,the second Alexander ,son of Alexander from Kleophis,queen of India .
Furthe Rabanbans were Düdo-Reküni ,called Roca Didu in Cuzco,then Nypapharis ,likely Niképhor
Epiphan,king of Syria ,and then Trokhinos ( T'-Rok'-Shin) ,that is Sintche Roca / Sinatruk of Perú and Parthyaia .
And so on .

So the kingdom of Dakia in Transsylvania might have been founded by Nectanebos,Pharaon of Aigypt,
or by his father ,where he was called Bank ,that is Baan-Nek ,or Nekbaan ,son of a Dareios ,
king of the Caucasian Ibéria ,in the 4th century BC .

See Bánk,Bánki,Bánky,Augstein,Augenstein,Bulgari,Ajtay,Kano,Alexander,Kenderesy,Gyulay,Cselőtei,Czafik,
Apor,Csíkszentmihályi,Rajput,Dakota and others !

Balázs Déri