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  • Barnett (deceased)
  • Aaron Barnett (c.1878 - d.)
    census 1881 Barnett* 1891 England & Wales Census* Birth: Circa 1879 - Middlesex, London* Residence: 1891 - 97 Cambridge RD, Bethnal Green, London, England* Parents: Bearon Barnett, Agnes Barnett* Sibli...
  • Abigail Elizabeth Barnett (1837 - 1886)
    Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via father Darby Ragan by SmartCopy : Mar 13 2015, 0:45:42 UTC
  • Abigail Barnett (1731 - 1795)
  • Abraham Barnett (1882 - 1947)

About the Barnett surname


Barnett Name Meaning habitational name from various places, for example Chipping (High) Barnet, East Barnet, and Friern Barnet in Greater London, named with Old English bærnet ‘place cleared by burning’ (a derivative of bærnan ‘to burn’, ‘to set light to’). from a medieval personal name, a variant of Bernard.

from Jef Barnett

MY family name was changed to Barnett in the 1890's by ancestors who came from Poland/ Russia and original name was Bandrymer. My Barnett family setlled in New York City.

other possible versions of this surname