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Beeler Genealogy and Beeler Family History Information

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  • Anne Hurst (1679 - 1717)
    Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Oct 28 2020, 2:22:02 UTC ==comments==Given name has also been reported to be Ann .Date and place of birth have been erroneously reported to be 1679 at Lec...
  • Catherine Pentecost (c.1745 - 1820)
  • Charles Beeler (deceased)
  • Charles Beeler (deceased)
  • Christopher Beeler (1752 - 1847)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA (SOLDIER). DAR Ancestor # A008521

About the Beeler surname


Ancestry Definition of Beeler: Americanized spelling of German Biehler (see Buehler). Possibly a habitational name for someone from places called Bielen, Bielau, or Biehla, all in eastern Germany, or from Biel in Switzerland. Compare Bieler 3.

My fathers side was German, but when I dig into documents the birth records stated both Germany and Switzerland. It is possible that the town that they were born in was on the border between Switzerland and Germany. Since both Switzerland and Germany have German as at least on of their national languages this is completely possible. The Beeler families back then most likely spoke German as a language anyhow.

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