from steven behr
I am a descendant of the Behrs of Landau, Waldeck, Hesse. First generation known was Joshua Beer abt 1590. His son Johannes Behr, burgermeister at Landau was born 1639 and married to Antonia Hangelsleben. His brother was Franz Beer 1610 m Anna Rahmus von Peckelsheim. by 1709 the name was spelled Behr. My immigrant ancestor was Carl Heinrich Christian Behr, farmer b l.19.1852 in Helmighausen Kohlgrund (near Landau and baptized there) m Johanette Groetke b 1847 Kohlgrund. They moved to Freeborn County Minnesota in 1882. Would like to have any clues about the first Behrs of Landau or others in the area.