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About the Berglund surname

BerglundFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Berglund Family name Meaning 'mountain grove' Region of origin Sweden

Berglund is a surname of Swedish origin. It means 'mountain grove' (berg means 'mountain' or 'hill', and lund means 'grove of trees', derived from the Old Norse lundr).[1]

People with the surname Berglund include:

In sports:

Anna-Lisa Berglund (born ?), Swedish archer Art Berglund (born 1940), retired Canadian-American ice hockey player Bo Berglund (born 1955), retired Swedish professional ice hockey player Bruno Berglund, Swedish rally car racer Charles Berglund (born 1965), retired Swedish professional ice hockey player Christian Berglund (born 1980), Swedish professional ice hockey player Claes Berglund, Swedish ski orienteerer Dan Berglund (born ?), Swedish jazz contrabassist Eva Berglund (born 1984), Swedish swimmer Fredrik Berglund (born 1979), Swedish professional football (soccer) player Hans Berglund (1918–2006), Swedish sprint canoer Johan Berglund (born 1983), Swedish bandy player Marianne Berglund (born 1963), Swedish cyclist Oscar Berglund (born 1984), Swedish football (soccer) goaltender Patrik Berglund (born 1988), Swedish ice hockey player Per-Arne Berglund (1927–2002), Swedish javelin thrower, silver at the 1950 European Championships Tomas Berglund (born ?), Swedish ice hockey player In music:

Anders Berglund (born 1948), Swedish composer, arranger, musician, and conductor Bernhard Berglund (1891–1944), Swedish teacher and composer Dan Berglund (born 1954), Finnish-Swedish singer Joel Berglund (1903–1985), Swedish opera singer Lily Berglund (born 1928), Swedish singer and actress Olle Berglund (1908–1998), Swedish hymn writer Paavo Berglund (born 1929), Finnish conductor Ruth Berglund (1987–1984), Swedish opera singer In film and television:

Bertil Berglund (1898–1979), Swedish actor Björn Berglund (actor) (1904–1968), Swedish actor and singer Elsa Berglund (née Wickman, 1885–1967), Swedish actress, married actor Erik Berglund in 1912 Erik Berglund (1887–1963), Swedish actor and director Ernst Berglund (1888–1971), Swedish actor Harald Berglund (1904–1980), Swedish cinematographer Pär Brundin (born 1972 as Pär Berglund), Swedish director and actor Pelle Berglund (born 1939), Swedish director, producer, and screenwriter Svenn Berglund (born 1939), Norwegian dancer and actor Timothy Björklund (born ?), American director, sometimes credited as Timothy Berglund In politics:

Carl Berglund (1859–1921), Swedish politician Helge Berglund (1907–?), Swedish politician Jan Berglund (1864–?), Swedish politician Matteus Berglund (1898–1981), Swedish politician Mona Berglund Nilsson (born 1942), Swedish politician Rune Berglund (born 1939), Swedish politician In literature and journalism:

Anne-Marie Berglund (born 1952), Finnish-Swedish author Björn Berglund (author) (born 1938), Swedish author Christer Berglund (born 1950), Swedish journalist Fredrik Falk (born 1950 as Fredrik Berglund), Swedish journalist, author, and copywriter Jan-Erik Berglund (born 1957), Finnish journalist and actor Karin Berglund (born 1937), Swedish journalist, author, and photographer Lars Berglund (born 1921), Swedish author, screenwriter, and playwright In other fields:

Erik Berglund (furniture) (born 1921), Swedish furniture maker Nils Berglund (born 1923), Swedish illustrator and graphic artist Sten Berglund (born 1947), Swedish political scientist Thomas Berglund (born 1972), Swedish poker player Curtis Berglund (born 1981), American (of Swedish descent) lawyer, philosopher and thinker