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Bledsoe Genealogy and Bledsoe Family History Information

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  • Rev. Aaron Bledsoe (1730 - 1809)
    Rev. Aaron Bledsoe DAR Ancestor # A011212 Mentioned in his fathers Will dated December 27th 1769, Aaron Bledsoe was given a Captain's commission in Spottsylvania County in 1756 WILL OF REV. ...
  • Abraham Bledsoe, Sr (1673 - 1753)
    From Notable Southern Families, Volume 2 George Bledsoe was the first of the Bledsoe line traced in America. He lived in Northumberland County, Virginia. His will was probated there July 23, 1704. Th...
  • Agnes L Crabtree (1835 - 1925)
    Birth: 1835 Death: Apr. 7, 1925Wife of W.W. Crabtree Born in Wake County to Zeb, and Annie Bledsoe Family links: Spouse: Walter W. Crabtree (1840 - 1930)* Children: William F. Crabtree (1867 - 1934)*...
  • Albert Taylor Bledsoe (1809 - 1877)
    Albert Taylor Bledsoe (November 9, 1809 – December 8, 1877) was an Episcopal priest, attorney, professor of mathematics, and officer in the Confederate army and was best known as an architect of the Lo...

About the Bledsoe surname

Looking for my grandmothers Bledsoe line, I have information about her side but would like to talk with a Bledsoe kin