There are already 239 users and over 14,310 genealogy profiles with the Bock surname on Geni. Explore Bock genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Anna Groothenning van Bengale was a South African Slave from Bengal, India circa 1700 at de Caep de Goede Hoop, owned by Hans Kasper Geringer mtDNA Haplogroup MThere is conflicting information regardin...
F 2 S 280 Patin: Anna Catharina filiua des Petri Reußert. Matrikeleintrag ist Blach Fische 5 F 2 S 280 Patin: Anna Catharina filiua des Petri Reußert. Matrikeleintrag ist Blach
My line of Bock ancestors comes from Johan Friderich Buch who came from Brandenburg, Germany, and settled down as a shoemaker on Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark. I take it he was jewish.
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