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Boteler Genealogy and Boteler Family History Information

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  • 1st wife of John Boteler (deceased)
    Mother of William Boteler+ b. c 1428, d. b Jun 1467Name seen as Elizabeth Langston ===References *
  • Ada of Workington (1160 - 1219)
    Thomas FitzGospatrick Workington 2nd Lord Workington b. circa 1135, d. after 13 November 1200 Mother Grace (?) b. circa 1140Name Variation Ada de Workington was also found as Ada Furneys.2 Birth* circa...
  • Agnes Drake (1485 - bef.1550)
    7. Thomas Drake was born before May 29, 1465 and died before November 24 or 27, 1541 in White Notley, England. He married Agnes Butler . She was born before 1490 in Great Waltham, Co. Essex, England. S...
  • Agnes Boteler (1365 - 1370)
  • Rep. Alexander Robinson Boteler (1815 - 1892)
    Alexander Robinson Boteler (May 16, 1815 – May 8, 1892) was a nineteenth-century planter turned businessman, as well as artist, writer, lawyer, Confederate officer, philanthropist and politician from...

About the Boteler surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Boteler surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Boteler surname.

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