There are already 69 users and 3,202 genealogy profiles with the Bouvier surname on Geni. Explore Bouvier genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Princesa Caroline Lee Bouvier de Radziwill
Caroline Lee Bouvier Canfield Radziwill Ross (née Bouvier, born March 3, 1933 in Southampton, New York), best known as Lee Radziwill, is an American...
Ewing Bouvier Beale (October 5, 1895 – February 5, 1977) was an American socialite and amateur singer, known for her eccentric lifestyle. She was a sister of John "Black Jack" Bouvier, the father of Ja...
Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier ; July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy , and First Lady of the United States from ...
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