There are already 467 users and over 16,306 genealogy profiles with the Bradford surname on Geni. Explore Bradford genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
From Pedigree of: Robert Bradford c1487-1552 Peter Bradford (c1460-1542) was probably born about 1460, married twice, and had five children by each wife. He lived to be about 82 years old and died betw...
Biography The first wife of Robert Bradford (c. 1487-1553) was the mother of his son William, but not the mother of his subsequent children. Her name is unknown.
Browne, William...
Not Alice Morton. Robert Morton, Esq. & Alice Morton are not known to have had a daughter “Alice” who married William Bradford (d. 1596).
Biography Updated 2 November 2023
From Pedigree of: Robert Bradford c1487-1552 Peter Bradford (c1460-1542) was probably born about 1460, married twice, and had five children by each wife. He lived to be about 82 years old and died betw...
Not the same as wife of Francis Griswold
Notes After his death, there is a strong case made for Lt. Francis Griswold ’s widow having married Governor William Bradford (as his second wife) about 1675...
Symon Bradford, christening: 26 February 1632. Parents of Symon were George Bradford and Annstis Coffhen
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