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  • Abraham Rodrigues Rodriguez Brandon, II (b. - 1818)
    Rodrigues Brandon (son of Abraham Rodrigues Brandon and Esther Abigail) died 1818 in Barbados.He married Abigail da Fonseca Israel in London, daughter of Hezekiah Joshua Israel and Esther da Fonseca.Mo...
  • Alfred de Bathe Brandon (1854 - 1938)
    Alfred de Bathe Brandon (12 December 1854 - 30 July 1938) was the Mayor of Wellington, New Zealand from 1893 to 1894.Brandon was the son of Member of Parliament Alfred Brandon. He married Louisa Kebbel...
  • Alfred de Bathe Brandon (1809 - 1886)
    Alfred de Bathe Brandon (1809 – 22 September 1886) was a 19th-century New Zealand politician.==Early life== Brandon was born in London in 1809; his father was Henry Brandon. He was educated as a lawyer...
  • Alfred de Bathe (Bath) Brandon DSO MC (1883 - 1974)
    Alfred de Bathe (Bath) Brandon DSO MC (21 July 1883 – 19 June 1974) was a New Zealand lawyer and military aviator who served in the First World War, and was credited with the destruction of two Zeppeli...
  • 97 Alianore Mautby (deceased)
    There are two Alianore (Eleanor) Mautby (Mauteby)'s in Lady Jane's Ancestry. 97 Alianore Mautby, Jane's 4th great-grandmother 197 Eleanor Mauteby, Jane's 5th great-grandmotherSource: Spellings of Given...

About the Brandon surname

My husband did some research and found that the Brandon name is of polish origin and the name of origin was formerly Brandowski.