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Brodie Genealogy and Brodie Family History Information

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  • Lieut. Col. Alexander Brodie (1849 - 1918)
    try this link < Brodie is in the front row with TR with TR at the Grand Canyon courtesy of PBS (May 3, 1906) .
  • Lord Alexander Brodie, Lord Brodie (1617 - 1650)
    Biographical Summary ==" Alexander Brodie of Brodie - Son and heir of David Brodie of Brodie, was born on the 25th July 1617. Was sent to England in 1628, and returned in 1632, in which year he also su...
  • Anne Forbes (1661 - 1710)
  • Bernard Brodie (1910 - 1978)
    A brief but generally accurate biography of Bernard Brodie can be found at ). (One point that it omits is that the family name was originally Brody and he changed the spelling of his name to Brodie.) A...
  • Bernard Beryl Brodie (1907 - 1989)
    Bernard Beryl Brodie (7 August 1907 – 28 February 1989), a leading researcher on drug therapy, is considered by many to be the founder of modern pharmacology and brought the field to prominence in the ...

About the Brodie surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Brodie surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Brodie surname.

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