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  • Abigail Browne (1655 - 1690)
  • Abigail Benjamin (1727 - 1784)
    longislandsurnames.... ;
  • Abigail Roberts (1696 - 1776)
  • Abigail Brown (1665 - d.)
    Links* >James Browne of Salem, glazier, (bequeathed to wife, Sarah; brother Nicholas Noyes; children John, James, Samuel, Abraham, Anna, Mary, Abigail, Martha, Sarah Beasly; to eldest son John estate l...
  • Abigail Browne (c.1659 - 1726)
    Marriage 1 Samuel WHEAT* Married: 7 APR 1703 in Concord,Middlesex Co.,MA * Marriage 2 Boaz BROWNE b: 14 FEB 1641 in Concord,Middlesex Co.,MA* Married: 10 SEP 1716 in Concord,Middlesex Co.,MA * Referenc...

About the Browne surname


Browne is a surname of English and Scottish origin. It is a spelling variant of the surname Brown, derived from a nickname concerning the complexion of an individual, or the color of their hair. The nickname is derived from the Old English brun, Middle English brun or broun,or Old French brun.The root word is also sometimes found in Old Norse Brunn.

Brown can also be derived from the Gaelic Donn,which means brown.

Variations: Braun, Broun, Brown, Dunn, Le Brun



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