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  • ? (deceased)
  • ? Bruce (bef.1745 - d.)
    ? BRUCE Alexander Bruce and his his wife Isoble Saunders, residents of the parish of Kettins in the County of Angus, had a child whose name and sex are not known. The baptism was registered at Kettins ...
  • Abigail Cutler (1703 - 1748)
  • Honourable Agnes Bruce, the good wife of Kirkton (b. - 1590)
    Honourable AGNES BRUCE (2) (3) the good wife of Kirktoun. (8) Fake Genealogy
  • Agnes Redheugh (b. - aft.1495)
    From the Charters of Clackmannan 22d Dec, 1447 — Discharged by John de Bruce of Clackmannan to his eldest cousin, David, the Bruce of the Kennet, of the sum of 50 merks money of Scotland, addebted to t...

About the Bruce surname


The earliest verifiable records of the (famous anyway, via Robert the Bruce, King of Scots) Bruce name, is of Norman descent. Normandy, France. The names of cities and towns have evolved and there are a couple of other suggestions, but the most commonly observed location is Bruges, France. The first Bruce to enter Scotland, (Alba or also Caledonia) according to any record, was accompanying William the Bastard....or later William the Conqueror in A.D. 1066. This is referenced as "the Norman invasion" many times. There are many records of entering court during King David's reign of Scotland and kinship. Settling began of these "Norman invaders" during these Middle Ages and the Bruce family buried its roots deep into the soil. It would be so wonderful & fascinating to know all the details of this time period but because we cannot we can only go on the facts that were recorded. The Bruce men began to marry into Alba or Caledonia and the marriages were obviously with Celtic/Gael women, Britons, and/or Picts. The Bruce name was often nobility and recognised in court per various documentation.

As the Bruces rooted in Scotland, [Some Bruces are found in old England (UK for all, currently). Probably those that went from France to England and settled versus traveling to Scotland in the Middle Ages...or that went further south after the settling in Scotland?] their love, passion and pride became the country and the country became them. They remained nobles throughout time, from 1066 to present 2016.

During the Middle Ages, I am certain most people were concentrated upon survival. It was a natural Anarchol time. The Family of Bruce, referred to as rather than any other Clan name of the ancient lands, held nobility and involved themselves in the betterment of Alba and the politics of Alba. Traveling forward in time, approximately 200 years, as Sir William Wallace began an uprise for Scotland's freedom, the Bruces were (assumably) just carrying on with life and wondering what to do about the horrible English rule and [save] ...continuing latter