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Burke Genealogy and Burke Family History Information

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  • Elizabeth Burke (1712 - 1770)
    References Bigbie, Scott. “The Descendants of George Bigbie - Volume Two.” Page 105 Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Sep 3 2018, 3:10:39 UTC
  • Abby Griffin Riordan (1841 - 1914)
    DEATH. RIORDAN - On October 22nd, at Southbridge, Abby Griffin, relict of the late Maurice Riordan, aged 77 years. R.I.P. Source: Ellesmere Guardian (24 October 1914, p. 2). Ireland, Catholic Parish ...
  • Abram Burke (1808 - 1853)
    Residence : Dale, Alabama, United States - 1840* Residence : Coffee county, Coffee, Alabama, United States - 1850** Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Mar 11 2022, 6:13:23 UTC
  • Adolphus Burke (1897 - d.)
  • Adolphus Burke (c.1919 - d.)
    Witnesses at marriage of Adolphus Burke to Tricella Duhaney were Cornelius Muirhead and Isobella Douce. Isobella Douce (Morgan) was my great great grandfather Thomas Douce wife and Cornelius Muirhead w...

About the Burke surname


means dweller at or near the burgh or stronghold (of the castle)

The de Burgo Civil War

This was the name given to a conflict in Ireland, sparked by the death of William Donn de Burgh, 3rd Earl of Ulster in 1333. His only child, Elizabeth, lived in England, and eventually married into the English Royal family but she was Countess in name only.

Various factions of the de Burghs fought with each other for control of the Earldom (the name by now had been Gaelisized to Burke depending whether they were under the lordship of Ulick in County Galway, or spelled Bourke if in County Mayo)5 The factions were headed by Sir Ulick Burke (d.1343), Sir Edmond Albanach Bourke (d.1375), and Sir Edmond de Burgh of Castleconnell (k.1338 – Sir Edmond of Castleconnell is the ancestor of the Bourkes of Clanwilliam in Munster).3

other versions of this surname