from Balázs Déri
Some Bush families may be related to Bush alias Kran tribe now known under this name only in Africa , of likely Zhé rorigin ,and of likely relation to Kran peoples of Brasil of Zhé language .
Krau tribe is also coherent to Krau in America ,and Krumen may be related to Menkragroti . Zhe peoples in general descend from A-Zhe-Rag-Ha ,brother of A-Pa-Ras-Ta ,through the five son so fhis , who are Kel-Akkele,A-Dar-Er-Ga,E-Hawa-Men-Ne, Ze-Ma-Rawa and the fifth one .
Kelta,Druida,Menehune peoples,and chiefs of Roma might trace their origin back to them .
Jews and christians read Zerakh,Perets,Kolkol,Daraa,Heyman and Zimri .
See Kran,Kramer,Ackermann,Munk,Hackel,Kohn,Klein,Politzer,Indig,Ashkenazy,Bruder,Krenák,Juif,Madrid,Zsidó, Zsédenyi,Kapy,Jónap,Aragón,Kraus and more !